Chapter81:No Intentions

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"Cole can we talk?" Sam asked. The guy that Cole doesn't like and knows that he likes Maddie but can't tell  her because she is in a relationship.

Cole looked at him and then continued writing in his notebook.

"Okay so I will just talk then , anyway Maddie told me that you think I have a crush on her which I think it is funny because I don't and I know you hate me like a lot." Sam said.

Cole rolled his eyes at him and Sam sighed.

"I have no intentions for Maddie that is all I am going to tell you and besides she is a great person to be friends with." Sam spoke.

Cole stopped writing song lyrics in his notebook and then looked at Sam with no emotions in his face.

"I am not a overprotective boyfriend and she can be friends with anyone I don't care but the one most important thing is  that I don't fucking trust you." Cole said.

Sam chuckled. " Tell me why you don't trust me?" 

"I know the day me and Maddie breaks up, you are gonna come crawling to her ass and comfort her then wait until she moves on so you could ask her on a date."

"I promise you that will never happen."

"I will be laughing to myself if that happens Sam and don't worry you probably be a rebound than a boyfriend." 

Sam scoffed. " I  would probably be a better boyfriend than you." 

Cole laughed so loud that some people in the diner turned around and looked at him which made Cole rolled his eyes at them.

"I have been a great boyfriend to Maddie and I always respect women so don't fucking tell me what to do in my relationship because it is not yours." Cold fired back.

Sam was about to say something but his phone buzzed and he took it out of his pocket then immediately left after looking at the message that he got.

Cole chuckled to himself and then a random figure sat in the same booth as him.

"Who was that?" Mercurtio asked.

"Oh just a friend of Maddie that's all Diego." Cole said.

Mercurtio rolled his eyes.  " It is Mercurtio."

"Yeah I know and I was just messing around with you which I may stop doing that." Cole said.

"Do you and Diego ever pretended to be each other for the day and no one ever found out?" Cole asked.

"Yeah  a lot especially in prison as well but had to stop for a reason." Mercurtio said.

"Okay and I know Grandpa  and you have a sister but where is she?"

S/N:The author forgot that she exists so she will  be in the next two chapters🙃

"She is traveling but she will be back soon."

" Okay cool."

"So tell me who was that guy and why did you look so annoyed when you were talking to him?"

Cole heavily sighed. " I normally don't have trust issues around people I date but I know he  secretly have a crush on Maddie  and I just want to punch him so bad even though  he is too nice."

"Look if he does then did you saw any signs?"

"No but I just know." Cole said.

"Your relationship should be a soap opera that is all I am gonna say." Mercurtio said.

"Wait really?"

"It feels way more interesting but honestly just take a break from dating , it will do you good." 

"I am talking to Diego or Mercurtio because normally I would feel threatened but I don't."

Mercurtio chuckled. "Why would you feel threatened?"

"I mean I used to be scared of you when I was little but then not anymore." Cole said.

"You look like you could still be scared of me but I remembered when I met Hal, that guy looked like the random nice  person I could ever see to date my daughter until I got used to him even though I scared him a little bit."

"Were you always overprotective over your daughter?"

"Yes but I wasn't always that  strict and you would understand one day when you have a only child and the other parent in not in their life anymore." 

"Yeah I understand because you want to make nothing bad happened to them." Cole said.


November 6th

Cole knocked on the door and then walked inside the office  after someone said it was open.

He saw Francis and uncle Milagro talking to each other about something which looks like it involved a case.

Two of them stopped talking about what they were saying and then looked at Cole.

"Are you busy because I could come back another time?" Cole asked.

"No it is fine, what do you want Cole?" Milagro questioned.

"I need some advice from you two." Cole said.

"What do you need advice for?" Francis asked.

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