Chapter42:Wasting My Time

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"You know Cole I am not really here to change your mind and besides I wish you good luck on your journey." Gustavo said.

Cole gave him a concerned look knowing that he doesn't believe a damn word that Gustavo just said.

"Yeah I don't believe you Gustavo so spill it out." Cole says.

"Alright you caught me but look do you really want to be in the same record company that your dad was in and the fact that he never told you that Roger was the worst boss ever." Gustavo said.

"Why are you lying so bad and besides me thinking about joining CrossKnights literally have nothing to do with my dad so just stop because I really don't care." Cole said.

"Everything I had been telling you is-"

"To be honest with you Gustavo I looked you up on the internet and there was a lot of bad and good stuffs about you but the bad stuffs just make me wonder why the hell you are not in jail." Cole says.

"But anyway you are wasting my time so have a nice day Gustavo and I wish you well." Cole added.

After he said that, Cole closed the door and rolled his eyes then went back to what he was doing which was eating pizza and watching a movie.

His phone rang and he answered it.


"Hey Cole there is this huge festival going on Friday do you want to go and yes I asked everybody but they are busy so?" Lianni asked.

"I am not busy on Friday so I want to go and what kind of festival is it?" Cole asked.

"It is a music and arts festival." Lianni said.

"Cool I will be there and send me the address."

"Alright I will."


"Hey Cole what's up?" Blake asked

"Nothing much and what about you?" Cole questioned.

"It been good and just been working on my latest single." Blake said.

"And how is that working out for you for like it is done or it need more tweaks?" Cole asked.

"It is almost done but it sound so good." Blake said.

"Great I can't wait to hear it." Cole said.

Roger walked into the studio wearing a dark grey suit.

"Cole I need to talk to you for a minute." Roger said.

"Yeah sure Roger I will be right there." Cole said.

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