Chapter31:A long story

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"Maddie I was just not gonna stand there and watch that guy try to flirt with you." Cole said.

"Okay first of all he wasn't at all and second of all there is nothing wrong being friends with a guy." Maddie said.

"I am not saying that you can't be friends with him look I trust you and I know you trust me but I am-"

"There is really nothing to be worried about Cole."

One day, there will  be something that I might worry about......

Cole sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. " Yeah  but I really hope that you are right."


"I just can't take it anymore." Cole said as he barged into his grandfather's house.

"Well hello Cole what may seems to be bothering you since you love barging in like it is your own home." Grandpa said.

His grandfather was reading a book and sitting on a chair while the tv was on.

"I didn't know that you know how to use technology Grandpa?" Cole asked in a sarcastic voice while his grandpa rolled his eyes at him.

"Now what do you want?" Grandpa asked.

"Do you ever feel lonely in here, it feel so quiet but peaceful."

"I like it quiet and peaceful."

"Okay but-"

"Cole just tell me what the hell is going on with you right now." Grandpa fired back.

"Alright you know who Maddie is?" Cole asked.

"Who?" Grandpa said sarcastically.

"I know you are being sarcastic grandpa but I need help." Cole said.

"Do you ever feel the need to like you know break up with her and try not to go back to the relationship  because you know how fucked up it is."

"No I don't because-"

"Please don't say it."

"It doesn't matter if I still love her or not."

"Yeah because you have no damn clue at all or just delusional at all."

Cole rolled his eyes at him.

"Know what let me tell you something ,roll your eyes at me again and I will throw something sharp at your eyes right now." Grandpa fired back.

"I know you wouldn't do that to me especially since you are so old now ." Cole said as he ducks when the remote was being thrown at him.

"You know see this is why your life is complicated."

"Is that why you threw a remote at me?" Cole asked.

"No but you kind of deserve that." Frederick said.

"Let me tell you something Cole I was like you being in a relationship that was toxic and then being in another one that I thought it would last forever but it is a good thing to be a single person."

"What happened between you and the girl?"

"It is a long story."

Cole sat down on the couch. "I got time." Cole said.

"Of course you do, so long time ago I was in the mafia selling drugs and other illegal shit." Frederick said. "

"Killing people was something I loved and got my mind off things especially ladies as well, the ladies were fine back then and I had a ton of them that wanted me cause you know I was a ladies man." He also added.

"I met your father's mom at a bar and we hit it off until there was a lot of fighting and arguments in our marriage which I ended because I couldn't take it anymore." Frederick said.

"Do you still talk to her?" Cole asked.

"Nope but was never planning to and to be honest the last time I saw her was when your dad and his brothers was in high school at that time."

"Wow anyway what made you stop?"

"This woman that I met who I thought was the right one for me and changed me but then it was all over so I decided to stay single and focus on myself."

Cole chuckled. "So you were soft for a girl who you thought would be with you forever."

"Call me soft one more time, I will not hesitate to throw that remote or something worse at you."

"I feel like you should go to a nursing home, Grandpa."

"That will never happen and also how old do you think I am?"

Cole thought about it for a minute. "Um early or late seventies I think?" He asked.

"Seventy-five, still got more energy in my life." Frederick said as he sighed while staring at the window.

"Do you ever think about going back to that life?"

"Hell no and besides it wasn't that easy to leave the mafia."

"Yeah it wasn't that easy for him but he got lucky since he is so likeable." Mercurtio said as he entered the house.

"Really you had no enemies at all that wanted you dead?" Cole asked.

"Back then I had a different name when I was in the mafia business because I didn't want anyone to know I had an family and go try to kill them or use them as bait to get to me." Frederick said.

"Also I wasn't likeable to some people so I don't know what this dumbass is talking about." He added.

Mercurtio, Cole great or grand uncle which honestly just the same thing rolled his eyes. He and Diego the third are twins that no one can't even tell which one is who but it is not hard to know since one of them have short but not that long though.

"Anyway why is Marcus painting your house?" Mercurtio asked.

"Oh, that is why I saw cans of paints in the driveway." Cole said.

"I told him to paint my house and don't leave any spots which reminds me I need to check if he is still painting or just laying on the grass acting like he is in pain."Frederick said

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