Chapter10: Be Honest With Me?

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"I am going to fucking kill Marcus." Spencer said as he sat down on a chair with his clothes all soaking wet.

"What did he do?" Cole said

"He pushed me into the pool."

Cole laughed and Spencer rolled his eyes at him. "
It is not funny Cole."

"Yeah I know but you know he is joking around with you right?"

"Yeah I know but he is sometimes annoying."

"Hey Spencer I got a hot dog for you." Marcus said as he walked holding a plate with two hotdogs and some chips

"You can keep it because I don't trust you anymore."

"I didn't even do anything to it." Marcus said

"Yeah but still I am not trying to eat it." Spencer said

Spencer 's phone rang and he left to to take the call.

"Spencer is sometimes strange you know." Marcus said as he took a bite of the hot dog

"I thought you were not gonna eat that?" Cole said with a confused look

"I wasn't but I got hungry and besides what is wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You look you haven't ate in days?"

"I don't eat much." Cole knows only things that he consumed is cigarettes and alcohol.

"Well you should really eat more Cole and besides I hate when you smoke."

"Wait are you insul-"

"No I am not it just I really care about you and you are my second favorite brother." Marcus said as he rolled his eyes

"Who is your first?"

"James but don't tell Spencer that."

" Okay I won't." Cole laughed

"So how was dinner with your parents?"

"It went okay." Maddie said as she got on the bed . She was at Cole's place for the night and pretty much for the week.


"Yeah but I could sense that my mom is pretending that is everything is okay."

"Have you ever talk to her about divorcing your dad?"

"I did but she said she loves him no matter how many times he will abuses us."

"I know you said no to this but I told my uncle and look I really care about you and Ryan."

"I know you do but I will think about it."


"Cole can you be really honest with me?"

"Yeah I am always honest." He lied not knowing where this conversation is exactly going.

"Do you really love me like do you see a future with me?"

"You know Maddie I like you and really cared about you but who knows what our future will be like."


"Babe I don't really want to talk about this anymore, okay let's just go to sleep. " Cole said with a fake smile.

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