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Cole walked upstairs and stood in the the middle looking at the pictures that was on the wall. Some family pictures that had his dad in it brought back a lot of memories.


"Can you be quiet, you are going to wake everyone up." Cole said.

"That is you making the noise and now help me fixing making these cookies  before anyone catch us." Spencer said.

"It is not my fault that you woke me up because you were hungry." Cole fired back.

Spencer rolled his eyes. "And you didn't have to follow me but you chose to.

"Man whatever and do you smell something burning?" Cole asked.

"No what are you-shit the oven is on fire." Spencer yells while grabbing an oven mitts and taking the burnt cookies out of the oven and placed it on the kitchen counter.

The smoke alarm came on including the sprinklers as well.

Cole grabbed a fire extinguisher to take out the fire while Spencer turned off the smoke alarm.

"Well that was something." Cole said.

"What the hell happened in here?" Dad said.

Cole and Spencer looked at their dad with a guilt in their eyes.

"Look it is Spencer's fault and he bought me into this." Cole said.

"Hold on first of all you decided to come anyway so it is still your fault." Spencer said.

"So this explains why you two are up at two in the morning baking something which ended up in a fire." Dad questioned.

"Well if you put it like that." Cole said.

"Yeah you two are in big trouble." Dad said.

Flashback ended........

"These pictures really hold a lot of memories." Mom said.

"Yeah I know." Cole said.

"Mom you know I don't tell you everything right even though you want me to but I just couldn't." Cole also added.

"Yeah I know." Mom said.

"I don't think I can't handle everything in my life you know with this addiction and my relationship with Maddie." Cole said.

"Cole how long have you been using drugs?" Mom asked.

"Well last year is when I actually kinda started using it more." Cole said.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" Mom asked.

"It is so hard to tell your own mother that you using drugs and that is the only thing that makes me wants to stay alive forever." Cole said.

"Mom I know you know what is going on in my life and the fact you hate that I lied about saying I am fine because I am really not."

"I hate the fact that I am still dating Maddie when I don't know if I ever want a future with her and the love we have for each other is too toxic."

"I hate pretending that I am happy and in love when I am not. I feel like I just want to drown myself in alcohol or drugs everyday to take the pain away."

"Cole you need to know not all relationships work out because trust me before your father and I got together, I was with someone who I thought it was the sweetest and the right person for me but I was wrong because he changed and also blind to think that he will change." Mom said.

"What happened?" Cole asked."

"I was in a abusive relationship which I couldn't find a way to escapee it but then your father pulled me out of it." Mom said.

Cole clenched his jaw at the thought of someone putting their hands on his mom but was happy that his dad took her out of it and was a great partner to her.

"Mom what happened to the guy?"

"I don't know the last time I remembered he was in jail but honestly I don't really care about him anymore and just want forget about it."

Cole hugged his mom and she hugged him back.

"Mom I am glad that dad was there for you."

"Me too."

Blaming Dylan(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now