Chapter49: A Dream Or A Nightmare?

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"Hey Cole where are you because we haven't heard from you all day."

The person closed the door behind him and silence filled the house.

"Cole your cars are still here so what is going on?"

The person went to every rooms to look for him until he found Cole laying on his bed and the bottle of pills was in his hand and some were spilled.

"Merda svegliati Cole, per favore dimmi che questo è solo un fottuto scherzo e stai dormendo in questo momento amico!" (Translation: Shit wake up Cole, please tell me this is just a fucking joke and you are sleeping right now man!")

He tried to wake Cole up but he didn't move a muscle but checked his pulse and his heartbeat was beating very slow.

Cole was breathing slowly, his lips snd fingertips were blue snd his skin was pale and cold.

Justin took his phone out of his pocket and immediately called 911.

"Hello, this is 911 how may I help you?"

"I need a ambulance right now and the address is 297 Parkway  Avenue, Los Angeles,California, 900084."

S/N:It is a made up address expect the zip code  and if it is real then please don't be stalking people.

"Calm down sir what happened?"

"My cousin swallowed a lot of pills and he overdosed."

"Is he breathing?"


A alarm went off and Cole got up from his bed very confused about what he was dreaming about.

He went to the bathroom and  splashed some water on his face then looked at the mirror.

"What was that dream and it feels so real?" Cole mumbled to himself.


Cole was still thinking about the dream actually no a nightmare since it felt like one.

"Hey are you okay man?" Justin asked.

"Yeah I am fine,it just I have a lot of things in my mind right now." Cole said.

Justin was wearing the same shirt but a different pants in his dream snd now Cole is worried that something is going to happen to him.

"You want to tell me about it?" Justin questioned.

"No not at all but maybe later." Cole said.


"Who is ready to play some poker and don't complain if I win because you know I am the best at poker." Julio said while shuffling the cards.

"Julio you cheat in poker so stop lying and everybody can see it." Thomas said.

"You are just a sore loser Thomas and you can't accept the fact that I can beat you in poker." Julio said.

"Have there ever been someone that won against you?" Cole said.

"There is no one." Julio said.

"Yes there is one." Hal said and Julio rolled his eyes.

"I forgot about that day and sometimes I wished I didn't invited you."

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