Chapter46:You Are Not A Disgrace

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"When did you start doing drugs and please don't lie to me." Mom said.

"It was after Dad died and pretty much got addicted to the point that I almost died." Cooke said while taking a bite of his lasagna.

Right now Cole was talking to his mom and telling her everything while sitting in the dining room eating lasagna with salad and garlic bread.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" Mom asked.

"I really didn't want to worry you-"

"You didn't want me to be worried about you like a good mother would be because of how much she hates seeing her son like this." Mom said.

"Mom be honest with me, just say I am a disgrace to this world and a fucking mistake just say it."

"You are not a disgrace or a mistake just stop thinking you are."

"I feel like I am a mess and it wasn't like this before you know."

"Every time I see liquor , I just want to grab the bottle and drink the whole thing  or stab myself with the bottle until I slowly die feeling the blood rushing through my head knowing I can't deal with this pain anymore."

"Mom I can't take it anymore, I just can't and I don't want any help that's all."

"Then what do you want?"


"I don't know Mom."

"You need to try to get some help or talk to any of us because we are there for you Cole."

"I know Mom."

"I am always there for you and  please don't be  afraid to tell me." Mom said.

"Yeah I know." Cole said while taking a deep breath.

"Cole do you still love Maddie?" Mom asked.

"I do but I don't know." Cole said.

"Cole I know I told you that not every relationships works out but you can't just pretend to be in love with her when you know are not."

"I know but it is difficult."

"Every relationship is hard and some have it own problems but one question have you ever?"

"No I have never put my hands on her in entire life and I know how to control my anger when I am around her."

"What happened ?"

"We got in a fight because I was supposedly jealous of her friend and then I told her to leave which after that I created a huge mess in my house."

" Wait did Aunt Chandler told you this." Cole also added.

"Yeah she did." Mom said.

"I mean I don't mind her telling you that because there is things I never told you."

"Cole if you have a secret ch-"

Cole laughed. " Whoah, Mom I don't I promise you and if I did you would be the first to know besides I am almost twenty and  having kids are really not my thing."

"Hey guess what  it is your favorite child who is back from school." Marcus yells and then Cole rolled his eyes.

"Mom am I your favorite child?" Cole said.

"Please in this house I don't do favorites." Mom said.


The Next Day.......

"I thought you wouldn't come?" Maddie asked.

"Really why?" Cole asked knowing what the answer would be.

"Because I know how much you would make a excuse to get out of everything." Maddie said.

"Well sometimes there is a good excuse and two I love your mom's cooking which is my fourth favorite thing." Cole said.

"What is your first, second and third?" Maddie asked.

"My mom, my family and food." Cole said.

Maddie rolled her eyes and Cole faked laughed.

"Damn babe I was just joking, you are my third favorite thing in the world." Cole said.

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