Chapter86:Cold Feet

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November 15th

"I keep having cold feet like do I want to do this or not." Cole said while making himself a sandwich.

"Do you want to do it?" Sammy asked.

"I don't know." Cole said.

"Cole to be honest you don't have to do it and it is your choice." Sammy said.

Cole sighed and then took a bite of his sandwich. " I have been thinking about it for months and I felt like we will have a great future together if we work it out which we are trying though."

" Some marriages don't last long Cole and we all know if you get married to Maddie, it would end up in a divorce."

"Yeah I could see that and I want to be in a relationship that last long."

"Cole do you really want a long  time relationship even though you have commitment issue or just bluffing right now?" Sammy questioned.

Cole rolled his eyes at Sammy and went to the sink to wash his plate after he ate.

"I know it sound crazy  but I think I changed my mind about relationships even though I can't sense if I want to be with Maddie for the rest of my life." Cole said.

"It doesn't sound crazy but there is a lot of reasons why that would never happen."

"To be honest I would just take a break from dating but it  would never that last long."

"Yeah anyway what are you doing tomorrow?"

"I don't know unless Roger books me with something or Maddie wants me to do something with her." Cole said.

"I feel like you only hang out with Maddie than anyone that is your friends and family." Sammy spoke.

Cole scoffed. "She is my girlfriend and is it a crime to spend time with her?"

"No it is not but at least spend some time with your family."

"Yeah I know but sometimes I feel I need a break from everything you know."



"Yeah I will be there, just gotta find a way on how to sneak out of the house." Cole said on the phone.

There was a knock on his bedroom door so Cole quickly hanged up the phone and hid some things that he doesn't want anyone to find before he opens the door.

"Hey Jefferson, how are you doing this fine evening ?" Cole asked.

"Dinner is ready in one hour and you acting weird so what are you up to?" Jefferson asked.

"Nothing at all." Cole said.

"Interesting even though I don't believe you at all." Jefferson said.

Cole sighed. "I am not going to do anything stupid or dangerous I promise and besides I am going to Sammy's place to study after dinner."

"Isn't Sammy out of town.?" Jefferson questioned with a smirk on his face.

"Well he came back early that's all and I actually do have a study group that I need to go to." Cole said.

"Cole the lies has to stop and you wonder why you always get punished every time you get in trouble." Jefferson said.

"Well I am not lying Jefferson." Cole said.

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