Chapter79:Be With Someone That Makes You Happy

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"Hey what happened that woman that you were talking to?" Cole asked.

"It been good and matter of fact we are going on our first date next week."  Julio said.

"Cool is it with the same person that we saw?" Cole questioned.

"No it is not her but let's just say some good things can come in bad timing." Julio said.

"I get what you are saying but that don't make no sense at all."

"Okay so the other girl stood me up and then the rest is history."

"Well at least she saved you from embarrassing yourself."

Julio chuckled. "The thing is she is a yoga instructor as well but work in a different place than the one that stood me up."

"Well that's a nice story."

"What is her name?" Cole also added.

"Her name is Cindy and we have a lot of common but she is really different than the girls I have dated before." Julio said.

"Aww my uncle is in love." Cole said while laughing.

Julio rolled his eyes. "Shut up Cole."

"I am happy for you that's all."


"I need some advice." Cole said.

"Advice about what?" Daisy asked while picking up Jules's toys from the floor.

"I know a lot of people try to fix their relationship because they really love that person but why every time I tried fix mine and it just end badly." Cole said.

"Well you just answered your own question but let me tell you this, every relationship needs trust, loyalty and other things which you don't have in yours." Daisy said.

"I know my relationship is not healthy but I just want to know if I am making the right choice before I propose to her next week." 

"Do you really love her?" Daisy questioned.

Cole sighed and thought about it for an minute.

"Does it really take you that long to think about it because we both know you don't love her anymore and just end it before it get worse." Daisy spoke.

"How worse can it get?" Cole asked.

"A lot." Daisy said.

"I see but have you been in that situation before?"

"No but I know people that been in that same situation before like you are right now."

"Was Hal the right person for you?" Cole asked.

"Yes he was even though he was the only guy I have been with since my dad loves scaring the guys away." Daisy said.

"I think Mercutio probably trust him and see a lot of good things in him."

"That's what I think as well but honestly be with someone that makes you happy."

"Yeah  I know." Cole said.

" Be with someone that makes you happy, weird? "  Cole thought about it in his head and was thinking if Maddie doesn't make him happy then who does?  He is happy with Maddie and knows that he loves her but everything about that statement could change which it already did. Anyway what girl in this world or any universe would make Cole happy and possibly fall in love with?

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