Chapter106:Crazy Thoughts

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December 24th
10:45 pm

Cole was standing front of a balcony in his own home smoking an cigarette letting the smoke roam the place.

The thoughts he is having right now is insane and wish it can go away.

You know you  could jump off this balcony and let your brain splatter all over the ground.

Cole looked up at the dark clear sky and sighed not letting the voices in his head get to him.




Come on you know you want to since you hate living.

By the time you do it, your life is already over and there is no way you can come back.

Picture this, your blood splattered all over the ground, eyes rolling back to your skull and your cold lifeless body turned into a corpse.

Also the police telling your family the bad news that you died.

So jump....

What if you just die right now and without people knowing, they probably think you are still alive but then boom when they visit you, they are gonna smell the disgusting aroma of death and see your cold  dead body on the floor.

So what if you just die?

What if you just grab a knife and watch yourself slowly bleed to death.

Cole's heart was beating fast and breathing heavily.

Come think about it and matter of fact imagine what your tombstone would look like.

Cole Dylan

Huh you are twenty which is really way too young to die and you got a lot to live for.

Sometimes I wonder who is gonna witness your death or  almost death and I know they are gonna-

Cole walked away from the balcony and put his shoes and grabbed his car keys before leaving the house.

He needed to find somewhere to go to clear his mind.


11:39 pm

Cole knocks on the door loudly until the person opens the door.

"Do you really have the time and day to do that right now?"Julio asked.

"Yeah I know I woke you up but I can't take this shit anymore." Cole said.

"What happened?" He questioned.

"Can I get inside first?" Cole asked.

"Yeah come inside."

Cole walked inside the house and Julio closed the door behind him.

"Was someone here because I saw a car leave this driveway before-"

"Yeah someone did and why am I the first person that you always go to?"

"You are not the first or the last person  I would go to but besides I know you would be awake at this time."

"What do you think I would be doing do at this time?

"I don't know a lot of things."

" I just came back from work and other thing as well."

"Do you really work at night?"

Julio rolled his eyes and Cole smirked at him.

"Yeah sometimes."

"Okay then."

"Anyway I can smell the alcohol and cigarettes on you so how much did you drink because there is no way you drove all the way over here." Julio stated.

"I only drank like four and also I don't get drunk unless I drink more than that." Cole said.

"Oh yes let's go get alcohol poisoning because that's  more fun." Julio said in a sarcastic tone.

Cole rolled his eyes at his uncle.

"You know this is why uncle Thomas is my favorite."

"Do you really have a favorite uncle and aunt?"

"No I don't at all."

"Exactly but anyway are you hungry?"

"Yeah I haven't  ate all day."

Julio looked at Cole with a concerning look on his face but brushed it off knowing his nephew would deny it.

"Just grab something to eat and I will be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"I got to pick my mom up from the airport in like three hours from now."


"Oh and when I come back, we need to talk like seriously talk."

"Yeah I know uncle."

You know you could kill yourself right now and when they come back, they will see your cold dead body on the floor.

So just do it and you know you want to.

The feelings of doing it is crazy huh look once he leave, grab an knife from the kitchen and stab yours-

Cole chuckled. "You know what let me go with you and we can talk while we driving there."

"Okay let's do that."

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