Chapter33:Tne Address Part One

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"The more I look at this address the more I feel so nervous because I never met this woman." Cole said.

"Who are you talking about?" Ryan asked.

"So I was talking to my grandfather like a couple weeks ago and he was telling me about things so I asked about my grandmother." Cole said.

"Do you know what she looks like?" Ryan said.

"I have no idea at all and besides I don't even know her name." Cole said while putting a box on a table and then opening it.

"How are you going to go to a house when you don't know what she look like?" Ryan questioned.

"Unless she knows what I look like." Cole said.

"That could help but-"

"Wait my dad died two years and maybe she came to his funeral but I think Grandpa probably didn't want her to come because he somehow still hate her and his voice changes a lot when he talks about her even though he keep saying that he doesn't at all. " Cole said.

"You got the address so maybe go there and if she recognize you then maybe she knows who you are." Ryan said.

"What if she doesn't?"

"Then probably just move on or refresh her memories like tell her about your dad and grandfather."

"Anyway what is in these boxes Ryan?"

"Just some gifts from my boyfriend that he sent me from his trip."

"Oliver must be a really nice guy."

"Yeah he is."


"Uncle Jude how are you man I missed you so much." Cole said.

"Cole are you high or about to do some illegal shit?" Uncle Jude asked.

"I am not on drugs and two I wished I did anyway but I stopped doing that." Cole said. "Anyway you are my favorite uncle just know that." He also added.

Jude chuckled. "Cole I know you want something so spill it out."

"I kinda need some informations on something or a person actually." Cole said."


"What is your mom's first name?"

"Margaret why?"

"Oh nothing I just want to know and also when was the last time you saw her?"

"Probably my third year in high school."

"Have you ever feel like you still want to see her again?"

"Yeah I have seen her like last month and also Cole there is nothing meeting her if you want to just don't tell grandpa about it because he will throw a fit for some reason."

"He told me I could meet her and will he actually be mad?"

"All of my childhood I have heard a lot of yelling and fighting so it is not kinda surprising knowing how many he pretends to fake smile when he was around her then mumbling under his breath saying "thank god I don't need to see this woman in my life ever again because lord knows what I am about to do and it is not gonna be pretty."

"Wow." Cole said while being shocked.

"Anyway why do you want to meet her?"

" I have this huge project and-"

"You don't go to college Cole."

"Okay so I have never met her so I want to see what my dad's mom look like and how she is."

"You said you never met her but you met her when you were two?"

"Was Grandpa lying to me?"

"What did my dad said to you?"

"He said that she probably met me when I was a baby but wait you said you just saw her last month?"

"Well I am not lying to you but Grandpa is because of his hatred for that woman but Frankie and him knows that she met you when you were a kid."

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