Chapter92:Thanksgiving Part Two

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Cole put the flowers in vase and as he was doing that, he saw Maddie talking to one of her aunt. He couldn't take his eyes off her every time he looked at Maddie.

He felt someone tapping him on his shoulder and he turned around to see Ryan.

"Ryan it is nice to see you again." Cole said.

"Yeah you too." Ryan said.

"So how was that visit, did it go well?" Cole asked knowing that it probably went horrible but he want to hear it from him because the look on Ryan's face, he knows that it was horrible.

"It was okay but I will never see him or talk to him again in my life because he is a worthless person that deserves to rot in hell."

"Yeah he is and besides he doesn't deserves you guys as his kids."

"Yeah but at least I got the anger out of me."

Cole laughed. "Yeah of course you do"

"You know Cole whatever happened between you and Maddie, just know we will always be friends."

"Yeah I know."

One hour later, Cole was seated next to Maddie and the rest of her family in the dining room.

The only people that were not there were Maddie's father's side of the family because they hate how their son is in jail for something that they should had obey him if they didn't want to get abused. They also don't like Ryan because he was gay and to them being gay is a sin which it is not but however they believe whatever they want to believe.

The last time Cole saw them was two Christmas agos when he was with Maddie but the first time meeting them was weird and messed up because they were openly racist, homophobic, xenophobic and etc.

If you ask Cole how he feel about them , he would say a lot of bad things about them and it would make sense but thank God Maddie and Ryan are not like them.

Cole put some mashed potatoes with gravy , turkey, cranberries, cornbread and other stuffs on his plate but before eating it, they had to pray.

Cole wasn't that much a believer of Christ but he believes in some things that the Bible said that's all and even hates when someone would try to force their religion on someone thinking they are doing something good which is stupid.


After praying, everybody went to eat and talk about whatever topic that is going on in the world or in their life.

"Ryan can you pass me the apple cider?" Maddie asked.

"Sure." Ryan said before giving his sister the apple cider so she could pour some in her cup.

As Cole was chowing down on his food, he noticed Maddie looking at him with a smile on her face.

The smile that always make Cole fall in love with her but now it is time to tell her everything and move on.

Cole grabbed the apple cider and poured a lot in his cup then took a sip of it.

The food that Cole was eating is good but isn't that good than his family's cooking but he doesn't want to upset them about it.

Cole noticed that Maddie was still looking at him so he looked back at her and smiled.

Cole sighed and cleared his throat before saying something.

"Excuse me where is your bathroom?" Cole questioned.

"Upstairs then down the hall to the left and you will see." Ms.Parker said.

"Thank you." Cole said.

As Cole got up from his seat and walking straight to the bathroom, he heard murmurs about him of how he seems like a good person and a nice gentleman with manners. Also hearing that his parents raise him right made him smiled because they did but he still had a lot that he did bad in the past.

It was now eleven minutes that he been in the bathroom, as he was watching his hands and staring at the mirror thinking about the conversation that he is about to have with Maddie.

He dried his hands and opened the door to leave which he saw Maddie outside of the bathroom.

"Hi Maddie we need to talk." Cole said.

"Me too Cole." Maddie said.

"You can go first."

" No you can because I feel like it is serious."

"How about you go first and then I will go."

"Okay Cole I know I said no but I just feel like I need to think about because it is just hard to process knowing that you don't want a long term relationship."

"Yeah I understand Maddie."

"You know there is something I want to do."


She crashed her lips on him and kissed him passionately.

Cole picked her up and took her to the bathroom before locking the door so no one can come in.

He broke the kiss and both of them was breathing heavily while looking at each other with lust in their eyes.

"Maddie are you sure you want to do especially when your family are downstairs"

" They won't hear if we are quiet about it."

Cole chuckled nervously knowing this is going to be a bad idea especially when he supposed to tell Maddie that he wants to end it forever but he can't handle the lust that he has for her.

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