Chapter107:It Is My Choice

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"Thank God McDonald is open 24/7." Julio said while handing Cole the bag and drinks before getting inside the car.

"Yeah I know right." Cole said while grabbing some fries and eating it.

"Don't make a mess in my car." Julio said while taking a bite of his hamburger.

"I won't man and besides I know Grandma would probably lecture you on it."

"Yeah I know she would and what is going on with you?"

Julio  started to leave the parking lot and then started driving.

"You were right, there is no way I could give up drinking and taking drugs."

"I am not a therapist but you should really go see one or go to rehab."

Cole sighed and took a sip of his drink. "I am not doing any of that."

"Look you need help and it is serious that you need to stop refusing to go to one."

"It is my choice if I want to see a therapist or not."

"Yeah I know you are old enough to make your own choices but sometimes you know you gonna need help."

"Yeah I know."

"I gotta ask though, have you thought about killing yourself like have you done it?"

"I have never harmed myself."

"Are you sure?" Julio asked.

"Yes for real." Cole said before yawning.

"It is almost two in the morning so get some sleep." Julio said.

"What if you accidentally fall asleep while driving and then we get in a car accident?" Cole asked.

"Relax I am not even that tired and besides I took a nap like three hours ago so I will be fine."

"Okay but I am not really that tired though."

"Okay suit yourself."

Cole stared at the window looking at the sky as the cars pass by.

One hour later, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

What if you jump out of the car while it is still moving right now and fall to your death?

What if the car made a bad turn and accidentally crashed into a tree or a building causing you and your uncle to die?

What if you accidentally get shot by someone and not make it alive?

What if this car explode right now and you were burned alive?

What if everything goes wrong tonight?

What if that person is dead right now and that would be you.

The voices in your head ain't going nowhere Cole and you know you want to die so fucking do it already.

You know you want to do it and you hate being on earth.

No one is not going to save you from this and hell you don't want to go to rehab or see a therapist so that's on you.

Who the hell want to be with someone with a fucked up life, look at you with a good family but you decided to make yourself become worse with things that will mess your mind up.

Cole felt someone shaking him but he couldn't budge to open his eyes.

"Why is your body so sweaty and wake the fuck up." Julio said.

Julio decided to slap Cole which made him wake up and Cole was confused on why his uncle slapped him.

"What the hell was that for?"Cole yelled.

"I saw you shaking and you were mumbling something so I got worried and had to wake you up."

"Are we at the airport?"

"Yeah we are."


"What were you mumbling though?"

"I have no idea at all."

"Cole do you want to die like right now?"

Cole chuckled. "No I don't."

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