Chapter80:Tuesday Morning

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November 4th

It was a warm Tuesday morning and Cole decided to go on a run because he felt like it and needed to clear his mind.

He kept thinking about the proposal that he was planning to do but honestly he feels like backing out of it for a good reason.

As  he was running, he slow down and stop because he saw someone.

"Gustavo how are you doing?" Cole asked.

"Good." Gustavo said.

"I see that you stop sending me threatening letters last month." Cole said.

"Well I knew that you were going to sign to my company so I just moved on." Gustavo said.

"I don't believe you are Gustavo and if you were then why do you keep trying to force me to sign to you." Cole said.

"I have no clue on what you are talking about Cole but let me tell you something-"

"Look Gustavo every time you talk you are spitting bullshit so let me just say this I made my decision and I am happy with it then if it goes wrong but guess what I would never go to your company after I heard about what you do to do your artists." Cole said.

Gustavo laughed. "I don't know what you heard but those are rumors and they are not true."

"Really because some of your former artist have called you out many times in interviews and told everybody on how you treated them."

"Also if you ever get caught then have fun in jail Gustavo and Espero que te pudra en el infierno." Cole also added. (Translated:I hope you rot in hell.)

Cole walked away from Gustavo hoping he doesn't see his face again and the fact that he feel like he want to do something worse to Gustavo but couldn't because he don't have the time or actually care for people that ruthless and think that they all that which they are not. 

The second one is that he doesn't want to get a lawsuit for assaulting him because he is trying to avoid going back to jail.


"So when is your dad and Sarah getting married?"  Cole asked.

"I don't know but honestly I don't really care because you know I hate seeing my parents with different people." Sammy said.

"They moved on with their life and probably happy in their second relationship so I understand but stop worrying about it." Cole said.

Sammy sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I want to but it is so fucking hard." Sammy said.

"Do you get along with her?"

"Yeah and you know I don't like Francis."

"Why are you lying?"

Sammy chuckled. "What do you mean?"

"You like him now don't you?"

"Yeah but as a father figure nah because I see him as a brother like he could be my older brother."

"Well I mean he is younger than your mom and he is in his thirties right?"

"I don't know Cole but he look like he could be."

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