Chapter16:Let's Talk About Trust

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"Do you like trusting people a lot." Cole asked.

"No I don't just only the people that I think are trustworthy. " Blake said.

"Really because you look like you could trust anyone especially fake ones. He said.

"I used to but not anymore because you can't trust everyone." Blake said. "But what about you and I know you seem the type of person that doesn't give a shit about people says or don't give a shit about them." He added.

"Yeah that's true but I care about my family and friends but I don't trust people a lot." Cole said.

"Do you think one day you will trust me?" Blake asked.

" I barely know you so who knows and besides you are really not that annoying." Cole said.


"So what should I do?" Cole says as he sat down on the couch with a bowl of popcorns in his hands.

"Do what?" Lianni asked as she grabbed some popcorns from the bowl.

"My love life." Cole said.

"If I had a penny on how many times you talk about your love life, I would be rich." She said.

Cole chuckled and grabbed a fistful of popcorn to eat.

"Let me be honest with you, you seem uninterested  in your relationship and don't even seem like you still want to be with so why try to fix it." She said.

"I still love her though." Cole mumbled.

"If you still love her then try to make it healthy."

"Lianni can I ask you something?"

"Sure what is it?"

"As my friend, be honest with me do you like Maddie?" He said.

"I means she is a good and nice person but probably not the right girl for you since the amount of times you have told me you guys broke up and got back together then blah blah...." Lianni said. "Even though when I first met her I thought you guys were a good couple and probably last long in the future but I don't see that happening." She also added.

"We were a good couple but I don't know what happened."

Lianni looked at Cole like he was stupid and threw popcorn at his him

"Okay I know we have problems and we fight a lot but I gotta make a choice though." He said.

"Like what?" She said.

"I have no idea actually and also let's talk about you so what is going on with you?" Cole said.

Later on in the night, Cole rang the doorbell three times until his uncle opened the front door.

"Cole what are you doing here at twelve in the morning?" Jude asked.

"I need to talk to you."

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