Chapter 1:Mourning

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[Mourn•ing ˈmôrniNG/ •Noun the expression of deep sorrow for someone who has died, typically involving following certain conventions such as wearing black clothes.]

The funeral  service was over and the body was already buried

Cole walked over to the tree and looked at the sky

He was overwhelmed with sadness when he saw his father's cold and pale body lying in that coffin breathless and dead.

He wished that it was a prank and hope he would come out of the ground saying he is alive but the truth is his dad is actually dead and not coming back.

An arm was wrapped around him and he turned around to see who it was

"Get your arm off me Spencer, "he said with a cold tone in his voice, he just didn't feel like talking to anyone or even listen at all.

"Alright damn but I know you are not in the mood same as me too," Spencer says.

Cole looked around and sighed as he ran his fingers through his brown hair

"I don't really want to be here but I have to for Mom."

"Yeah me too."

It was a  complete and awkward silence until Spencer broke the silence around them.

Spencer chuckled and then sighed

"You know my last conversation with Dad was over the phone and I never thought it would be the last time I would ever see or hear from him."

"It is really crazy," He said as he trying to get rid of the guilt that keep bothering him.

"Sometimes I wish it was me instead of him."

"Cole don't say that."

"What do you want me to say then Spencer?"

"Honestly Cole I don't fucking know."

"I think I am gonna leave because I can't just stay here," Cole said as he know that more he stay here, the more he blame himself for his father's death and the guilt that he is having.

"Where are you going?"

"Probably somewhere away from here."

"I saw a diner like three miles away from here, do you want to go eat there?"

"Yeah sure."

As they were about to leave but someone stopped them.

"Where are you two going?" Jude said. Cole and Spencer looked at their uncle who honestly reminds them of their father because of their looks even though they are quite different.

Jude an blue eyed male with long but that not long dirty blonde hair, tannish pinkish  skin  and goatee that is barely showing any grey hair .
Most people probably won't think that Frankie and him are brothers because of his eye color but they actually are related.

Jude their uncle is an lawyer who have his own law firm and shares the business with their other uncle, Derrick.

"We are going to the bathroom," Spencer said as their uncle stared at them to see if they are lying but he just decided to let it go.

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