Bonus Chapter

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I wasn't planning to write a bonus chapter but I decided to write one anyway...

The hospital

Cole was still laying on the hospital bed while scrolling on his phone and rolling his eyes when he was looking on social media.

He doesn't use it that much unless he feel like posting something but that's all.

Honestly it is surprising that there is a rumor about him being in the hospital which it is true but everyone have their own myths on what happened to him execpt his family.

The negative comments that some people doesn't get  on his nerves because he just ignore them.

 "You should really get your mind off social media." Grandpa said after walking inside the room.

"Yeah I am trying to do that but then I got a message from you know her." Cole said.

"Let me guess you replied to her?" 

"No I didn't and all I did was leaving her on read so I guess that is it."

"Why do you feel so happy after you almost die?" Grandpa asked.

"I don't know Grandpa but I think I feel like I want to live and embrace the fact that everything in life won't be easy for me." Cole stated.

"If my uncle Albert was  still alive, he will probably say some things to you."

"Like what?"

"Just some things because right now you are giving me mixed emotions like you hate the fact you didn't die."

Cole chuckled. "Would he try to knock some sense into me?"

"Yeah he would do that and will never sugarcoat anything because he will mean every single words that he is talking about."

"Okay but I guess when you lose someone, you just lose everything that is part of you and feel like you want to die but why couldn't that happen to me Grandpa?"

"I wanted to die and I tried but guess what I am still here." Cole also added.

"Jesus Christ ,Cole enough with the death talk okay look I lost my son two years ago who I fucking cared about and you think I want to see you dead."

Cole heavily sighed. "No I know you don't Grandpa and I know everybody doesn't but I am trying so fucking hard right now."

"You know what you should do Cole?"

"What?" Cole asked with a  concerned look on his face.

"You know what you should do Cole and no more not asking for help." Grandpa said.

"And besides you are twenty years old and you got a lot of things in your hand that you don't want to go to waste." Grandpa stated.

"Yeah I know and besides I need to move on and try to stay healthy for the rest of my life." Cole said before grabbing a cup of water from the table and taking a sip of it.

"Good but anyway I don't know if you are still in contact with-"

"No I am not anymore and besides I really don't think she cares about her grandkids at all so I don't need any sympathy from her because right now I only have you and abuela who is probably better than her."

"Yeah but she is trying."

"How's she trying?"

Grandpa laughed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah I have no clue at all but do that shit again, I will Ti getterò in un pozzo di fuoco." (Translated:I will throw you into a pit of fire)

"Lo zio Jude e Derrick devono metterti in una casa di cura nonno."(Translated:Uncle Jude and Derrick need to put you in a nursing home Grandpa.)

"I miei figli sanno che se lo fanno li toglierò dal testamento e li perseguiterò nei loro sogni." Grandpa said. (Translated:My sons know that if they do that I will take them off the will and haunt them in their dreams.)

Cole chucked. "Damn Grandpa."

"Watch me Cole because it will happen." Grandpa said.

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