Chapter54:A Goddamn Liar

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"Grandpa can you tell me what do you want to me to do because you are scaring me right now." Cole asked.

"I haven't say it yet and now you are scared." Grandpa said while he chuckled.

"Grandpa I am being serious." Cole said.

"Alright I know you are and since I am having this 'small' gathering and-"

"You think I am going to bring Maddie with me?" Cole asked.

"I wasn't talking about that." Grandpa said.

"Yes you were and besides there is no harm bringing my girlfriend to come and meet my family even though she met some of them before."

"Cole you talked about Maddie so much and you want to break up with her  because you don't love her anymore but you can't so do you think there won't be people talking about it behind your back."

"Yeah you are right but what do I do?"

"I am not forcing you but it is your choice."

"She is coming and I don't really care."

"Okay and Cole she is a great person but the relationship you two have is really fucking horrible." Grandpa said.

"At least it wasn't toxic like yours." Cole said.

"You are  such a goddamn liar."  Grandpa said while rolling his eyes at Cole.

Cole laughed. "I gotta ask,was Grandma ever a great mom to my dad and uncles?"

"She was a decent and  an great  mother but then after we divorced she barely saw them." Grandpa said.

"Because you banned her from seeing her  own kids?" Cole asked.

Grandpa rolled his eyes.  "No she doesn't want to see them unless I wasn't around them because of the mess  I was in."

"I mean I get it like she need to protect herself an-"

"Cole I don't know what she told you but she is a  fucking liar and never told you the whole story about our relationship."

"Okay then why can't you tell me the whole story?"

"You want to know so bad?"

"Yeah I do."

"Alright sit down tight because it is a long ass story."

A/N: Gonna write two chapters of this and then start writing the second chapter of my another book so yeah can't wait for this book to be finished by September or November.

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