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"Took you long to get here."

"Yeah I know but I had to take care of something." Cole said after closing the car door.

"Did anyone follow you here?"

"Nah no one did."

"Good we don't want anyone to know about this."

The guy handed Cole an spray can and a gas mask before both of them walked inside an abandoned warehouse.

The smell of weed and chemicals filled the whole building. The abandoned warehouse is for people to get rid of stress by breaking things , spray painting and other crazy stuffs.

"Weird I was expecting a lot of people to be here." Cole said.

"Yeah knowing that this shit is not illegal because I brought this warehouse and didn't break into it even though no one use it and I am thinking that they chickened out and told their parents."

"Or they probably don't want to do it anymore and I mean look around we are all underage smoking , drinking and doing drugs like it is our last time on earth."

The guy chuckled and looked at Cole with a serious look.

"Cole if you want to leave then don't be a pussy about it."

"I am not alright."

"Good because we all know you want a break from everything and beside I got something for you that will make you goes out of this world."

"What is it?"

It was now the morning and Cole woke up on the cold hard floor with a naked girl next to him.

His head was hurting him so much that he couldn't remember what happened last night and the only thing is that he is still in the warehouse.
He grabbed his phone to see a thousand missed calls and text messages from everybody.

"Shit I fucked up so bad." Cole said.

"Last night was wild and you my man were really high as fuck." The same guy that Cole was talking to yesterday knew what drugs he gave Cole because he wanted to be addicted to the drugs that will make him happy forever and forget about the pain.

"I am glad you didn't overdose though because I don't want to see people die young knowing they got things they want to do in their life."

" Then why did you give it to me?" Cole asked.

"Look I have seen you around school before and I know we are not friends but I thought you should get out of your comfort zone. Also it is probably not the first time you had taken drugs."

It is true, Cole,had took drugs before but then got addicted to it which eventually got himself caught by his dad and everyone else in his family found out.

It was a serious addiction and had the plan to quit but ever since his dad died, he decided to keep doing it since it was the only thing that kept him alive.

"What about the girl next to me?"

"Nothing sexual happened don't worry and besides she fell asleep after you did so that's it."

Cole sighed in relief. "Thank God but anyway I have to go and try to figure a lie on the way home."

"Good luck with that."

Blaming Dylan(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now