Chapter90:My Bad

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November 22nd

"Hey Cole." Ryan said.

"Hi Ryan." Cole said as he put a box of sodas in the shopping cart.

"So how are you?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah I am fine and what about you?" Cole questioned.

"I am doing good but feel worried about visiting my dad at prison."


"I don't know I just feel like I need to say one last word to him to get the feelings out of me you know because how he treated me and my family."

"Yeah I see but are you sure you want to do that?"

"Yeah I am sure and besides your aunt is really a good lawyer though."

"Yeah she is." Cole said.

S/N:Y'all remember in one chapter that I said Cole had an lawyer but if you though that the lawyer is one of his family members then you are wrong.

"I am really glad that  day happened though."  Ryan said.

"Yeah me too." Cole said.

"So you and my sister-"

Cole sighed before cutting off Ryan's words.

"I don't really want to talk about that right now or in the future at all."

"My bad."

"Nah it is fine but I just don't have the energy or the patience to talk about it you know."

"Yeah  Cole I understand."

"I am glad you do but the fact that I will be at your place for thanksgiving and she will be there because it is going to be awkward."

"Yeah but you don't have to come though."

"I made a promise to your mom that I will be there so I am not gonna break the promise."

"Yeah and you know Cole there are lot of girls that would be lucky to have you."

"Yeah I hope so."

Cole somehow hates that Ryan had to choose between his friend and his sister not that he have done it but probably worried that he might lose both of them as a friend and a sister if he chose one of them. 

Cole knows that losing a friend over a broken relationship or anything else is hard but have to deal with the circumstances.

Cole took a huge sip of his drink and then ate some of his fries.

He was watching one of his dad's interviews until someone interrupted him.

"Cole do you think this one look better than the other one?" Madison asked while pointing at one of the  purses on  her phone.

"It doesn't really what you get Madison." Cole said.

"Okay you may be right and also are you okay?"

"I am just tired that's all so don't worry about it."

"You didn't get enough sleep or still thinking about you know?"

Cole rolled his eyes  and  sighed. "I do get enough sleep but it is just I feel like I am overthinking stuffs you know and sometimes I just want to-actually never mind."

"Cole are you thinking about harming yourself?

"No I am not Madison  and I promise you I would never do that."

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