Chapter48:Can You Slow Down?!?!

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"I think we are done here but if you two are still having problems in your life life, you can always come back." Ms.Wilcox said.

"We will let you know." Maddie said.

Cole and Maddie walked out of the building and stood front of the car.

"I can't believe it been four weeks we have been doing this and I kinda see something in future with you." Cole said.

"Really?" Maddie asked.

"Yeah for real like I want to marry you one day and have kids with you." Cole said.

"Cole I don't believe you because you don't like kids and you are acting like you did something that I am not supposed to know." Maddie said.

"Maddie I never cheated on you in my life snd besides I just been thinking about our future and I can just see it." Cole said while opening the car door for Maddie to get inside and then closed it.

"What do you see in the future Cole?"

"I see us having two kids one girl and a boy, living in a beautiful house and I don't know that's it."



"I can see it too."

Cole smiled and kissed her on the cheeks.

As he was driving, he saw a text popped upon Maddie's phone which made him angry and decided to drive really fast.

"Cole can you slow down?!?!"

"He didn't pay attention to her and kept driving.

"You are driving too fast Cole, can you slow don before we get in a accident!" Maddie yells.

Police sirens was heard and Cole pulled over.

The cop walked out of their car and walked over to Cole's car.

Cole rolled down his window and chuckled.

"Do you know how fast you were going?" Francis asked.

"No officer I don't." Cole said.

"You were going eighty-nine miles hour." Francis said.

"Well I am sorry officer, me and my girlfriend have this appointment and we are really late."

"Yeah right anyway license and registration."

Cole gave Francis his license and the registration which Francis gave back to him after looking at it.

"I am going to give you a ticket and next time don't drive fast."

Francis wrote him a ticket and gave it to him.

"Don't worry officer it won't happen again." Cole said with a nice smile across his face.

"I hope so and is your girlfriend okay, she look worried.

" I am fine." Maddie said.

"Cole you really got to stop lying about where you were going and the speed you were driving is mostly how drunk people or people who have someone that is giving birth are driving so what were you mad about?" Francis whispered in Cole's ears.

"Aren't you supposed to act professionally right now especially when at work but yeah I saw something I didn't want to see and I don't want to talk about it." Cole whispered back.

"Alright but if you feel talking about it then let me know." Francis whispered back.

"Okay I will man." Cole whispered back.

"Well I hope you two have a nice day." Francis said and then walked back to his police car.

Cole waited for him to drive away which Francis just did now and then he started driving.

"I know you are jealous Cole but you got to stop letting your anger get out of control." Maddie said.

"Maddie I know but I am not jealous and I know how to control my anger so I don't really care anymore." Cole said.

One week later

"Man this festival was so awesome and the food was delicious as well." Cole said.

"I know it was and I can't wait to go again next year." Lianni said.

"Yeah me too."

A/N:I don't know everything about traffic rules and police rules so if I got something wrong then let me know and don't be rude about it.

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