Creating the Impossible

Start from the beginning

I attempt to do just this, but still nothing budges.

"I got it!" Brima suddenly says.

"Ah... that was unexpected.  Well, while Kiruh is hopelessly failing over there, i'll just go ahead and tell you the third and final step.  You think you made it far?  Think again..."

Genji gathers his hands together and smiles.  "You need to create the Shining hemisphere of your heart."

Brima's face gets slightly shocked, but she quickly changes to a determined expression.

"Then... how do I do it?"

"Creating a completely new hemisphere for your heart without surgery, can be seen as impossible.  The Lekarte clan attempted in creating the Shining hemisphere,  but they obviously failed.  Now, in order to do such a thing, you'll have to... enter your heart manually."

"Wait... what!?" I shout out suddenly.  I hear a loud bang against the door behind me.

"I said quiet!  You woke the bastard up!  One more loud noise and he'll bust out!"

"Sorry, sorry..."

"Now anyways, allow me to explain.  You obviously cannot enter your own heart through any 'sane' means.  This is where technology comes in handy.  I invented a device I like to call a 'Miniature clone creator'.  This special little device copies your DNA, and when activated, knocks you out cold and puts your conscious mind inside the clone.  I can then just inject the clone directly in your heart using this special syringe I also invented.  Don't worry, this is completely safe, and you won't feel a thing since your conscious mind won't be in your regular body."

Brima smiles slightly, and starts to fidget around.  "Then... let's do it.  I'm ready..."

"Oh yeah, one more thing.  Make sure that you have your double layers of Beta as you lose consciousness.  This will be completely useless if you don't."

Brima nods, and Genji pulls out a data emitter that emits some gigantic machine.  A door opens and Genji signals for Brima to enter.  Brima hesitantly enters the machine, and the door closes.  The machine makes loud noises for a few minutes, then when it is finished a light shines brightly in the middle.  Genji walks up to the light and presses a button to eject something.  He grabs it and then presses another button, which opens the door Brima was inside.  Brima's unconscious body falls out and Genji quickly grabs her.

He slowly lays her down.  "Now, little Brima, are you ready for this?"


"Speak up!  It's hard to hear you when you are so small!"

"Yes i'm ready" Brima's quiet voice says.  I stare at awe at how amazing this technology was.

"Now once you are in the heart, you have to literally force an entire area of your heart clear.  This may sound dangerous, actually it is dangerous, but inside that clone's arm you can emit a hologram that shows step by step instructions on just what to clear out, and what to do afterwards!  Bombs away!"

Genji emits a tiny syringe and sticks clone Brima inside the back.  He sticks the needle in Brima's chest and injects.

After a few seconds, he stands up and looks at me.

"Are you finished yet?" He asks me.

"I'm trying!  This is harder than it looks!"

"Well, take your time... I don't want you passing out cause you used too much beta."

--3 hours later--

"Old man!  I think I got it!" I say somewhat loudly.

"Hrmph-wha!?" Genji says as he quickly rises up from his nap.  "Well, lemme see!"

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