Forgiven | I. Hajime

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Warnings: Hurt-comfort, swearing⚠️

This is probably the most stressed you've ever seen your boyfriend, with important exams needed for college this entire week, tournament coming up, extended practices, and loads of homework waiting to be done.

Through all of that he promised you that Saturday was reserved for you and you only, especially since it was your birthday. So how come it's noon and you haven't even gotten a text from your boyfriend all day?

You're sure he's awake. He was active awhile ago, plus he never would sleep past 10–and that's cutting it close for him. Hajime told you he'd come pick you up at 1:00, it's now cutting it close with it being 1:30 now.

You texted to make sure he was alive, you got a bland response back, you sent him another text asking when he'd be ready. He seemed to be confused at this because instead of texting back, he was calling you.

You're not sure why you're nervous to answer a call from your boyfriend, but your gut is already telling you he forgot.

"Hello?" You answer after clearing your throat and taking a deep breath in and out. You sat on your bed, alone in the house due to your parents at work, at least they left you a cute note to wake up to and some small gifts.

"What do you mean 'when I'll be ready'?" He quotes your text.

"We made plans today, remember?" You say with furrowed eyebrows, thankfully he didn't FaceTime or else you'd be a goner.

"I can't today, can't we reschedule—or something?" You noted he seemed out of breath, then you heard a few volleyballs hitting the floor. You already knew your answer to your own question.

"I mean not really, Hajime. You were the one to make the plans." You're a little irritated at this point.

"Well sorry, we're gonna have to—look I'm really busy right now. Let's—"

"Do you even remember what today is?" You interrupt him, your face feels warm to the touch, your unoccupied hand clenches. He was silent on the other line, you don't even give him a chance to reply before you answer for him. "Happy birthday to me I guess, thanks for remembering." With that you hung up.

Immediately, you put it on do not disturb, not wanting to hear his texts and calls come through, you figured he'd be on his way here, or maybe he wasn't. Maybe he just figured he could redeem himself later once he wasn't busy.

You weren't just going to let your outfit go to waste, you decided to go shopping in the town. It's Saturday, so little pop up shops were set up, waiting to be searched through.

The day was fairly nice, a typical spring day. It started to sprinkle for a little then it quickly turned to a downpour, so you went inside a store until it eased up enough to go back outside. You haven't even hit half of the stands yet, you were feeling a little tired.

But going home wasn't something you wanted to do because Iwaizumi might be there waiting for you. It hurt your feelings he didn't remember such an important date.

Your mood began to turn sour and shopping wasn't something you really were in the mood for anymore. You felt like you were successful with the small amount of things you got, personal birthday gifts since your boyfriend forgot.

You checked your phone while you walked back, it was still raining but it wasn't as bad as it was before, it was tolerable, plus it gave you some sort of comfort from the odd day you've had.

You saw texts from Hajime and a few of his teammates, all wishing you a happy birthday and only a handful asking you about the situation with your boyfriend. You kept reading and ended up finding out he left the optional practice immediately after your call ended.

Hajime continuously asked where you were and if you were at least safe, you're not sure if you should answer. What if he just does this again? Not just with birthday's, but with anniversary's too.

Now you're overthinking and before you know it you're back home. You ended up answering him with a simple text, bland, still showing you're upset with him.

You feel yourself tense up as you opened the door, feeling his presence there in the house, although you don't see him.

"Oh great you're home! Happy birthday." Your parents say. "Hajime is waiting for you upstairs." They say smiling, unknown to the situation. Thankfully you've calmed down drastically, because now you won't be yelling, especially when your parents are home.

Your door is slightly opened, you take a quick breath and walk in, you're met with Hajime sitting on your bed with his hands covering his face, at the sound of the door he looks up, relief washing over him.

"Jesus, you're back." He pulls you into a hug, one you don't reciprocate yet. "Where've you been? I've been texting and calling all day, you ignored me and I was worried."

"Really Hajime?" You rolled your eyes, still not accepting his hug. "I just went shopping. We were supposed to go together, I stuck to our plans." You lightly push him off of you.

He throws his head back, knowing he's in the wrong, but he was so worried something would've happened to you.

"I'm really sorry for hurting you. I never want to make you sad, I never want to make you feel like you're forgotten." He starts, "This isn't an excuse to get out of this, but I've been drowning with school. It slipped my mind, I even marked it on my calendar." He rubs his face in frustration at himself. "I feel like the worst person in the world, even Mad dog gave me shit about this."

You give him a half smile, he's being really genuine right now. It's making it harder for you to be mad at him.

"I know saying sorry doesn't just fix everything, but it's a start, right?" He says looking deep into your eyes, he holds your hand gently and brings you closer to the bed, you're just now paying attention to the gifts he bought.

A bouquet of your favorite flowers were now in your grasp, he gently sat you down and went on a whole speech on how he's going to start focusing more on your relationship and how he's very sorry.

His apology was very genuine and he really seemed adamant to fix things immediately.

You put the flowers down beside you and while he was in the middle of apology and finally reciprocated his hug. He stiffened at first then wrapped his arms around you quickly, pulling you impossibly closer to him. He relished in your scent, bringing him comfort.

"I forgive you, but you better uphold your promises." You say.

He immediately shakes his head, "Of course. I don't plan on breaking them. Thank you, baby." He let's go and you hear a small sniffle, he wipes his nose and picks up a small box. "Happy birthday." He smiles. Inside a beautiful necklace shines in your face.

"Thank you, Hajime." You place your hand on his cheek, bringing him closer to your face, a soft, gentle kiss entwine you two. Familiar butterflies roam around your stomach.

"Come on, there's still some daylight left, I have something planned." He gives you another quick kiss and leads you out the house.

Haikyuu x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon