Forgettful | H. Sachiro

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Warnings: Time-skip spoilers, suggestive jokes, mentions of being shirtless, 18+⚠️

Hirugami had actually woken up before his alarm for work. These past few days at the clinic have been pretty hectic, so waking up with you snuggled into his chest brought him back down to earth; calming him.

He still had about 10 minutes before he had to take a shower and get ready, in the meantime he brought you impossibly closer to his bare chest, inhaling your comforting scent.

You began to move in your sleep to make yourself more comfortable, you turned to your side instead of being in his chest.

Hirugami frowned when he saw you change positions. He worked with it and set himself behind you, his arms secured around your waist, pulling you close to him once again.

He kissed your temple, then moved to your cheek, making sure to press feather-light kisses so you wouldn't wake up.

He peppered your face with kisses, not just on your face, but on your bare shoulder and back.

"Baby." You murmured, smacking his chest.

"Wake up, love." He continued to place kisses on you.

You groaned and tried to move away from him, you failed because he had a death grip on your waist.

"'M still tired, Sachi." You say.

"It's time to get up." He says in between kisses.

You turned and snuggled into his chest once more, one of his arms wrapped around you, while the other played with your hair.

His alarm went off and that definitely woke you up, he had it super loud so no matter what you'd hear it. He reached over to turn it off and looked back at you.

"Now it's really time to get up, love." He chuckled and removed the sheets off of you.

You hissed at the cold air and desperately tried to bring back the covers.

He resorted to tickling you to get you up, making you yelp.

"Okay, okay!! I'm up." You sit up in bed.

"Good morning." He smiles and leans in.

"Good morning to you too." You pull away after one peck. "I was having a nice sleep before you rudely interrupted and woke me up!"

"I couldn't help myself." He shrugs, getting his work clothes in a neat pile so he could easily access them after his shower.

"I'll make breakfast." You stretch and put on a random shirt near you.

"You're not going to join me in the shower? We could save water." His innocent face definitely did not match his suggestive words.

"No, I'm sore from last night, look at these!" You say and show him the bruises he left on your waist from gripping too hard.

"Next time." He hums. "I know you like it when I mark you up." He says and steps into the shower.

"Sachiro!" You yell, you could hear his snickers from the shower.

You rolled your eyes and walked downstairs to make his lunch and start breakfast.

You finished breakfast in no time, you set up two plates and served the food. Then you moved onto his lunch, he wasn't very picky when it came to food, so it was fairly fast to make it.

Hirugami had finished his shower, he dried himself and stepped out to get dressed.

His wavy hair was matted to his forehead, he dried it at last and the shape reformed once again.

He didn't put much products in his hair, just leave in conditioner and some cream to maintain the occasional frizziness.

Next he did his skincare routine, though he said he didn't need one since his skin was always clear, but he had fun doing different face masks so he just does the basics.

You heard his footsteps coming down the stairs, just in time too, the food has cooled down and you finished his lunch.

"Smells delicious, thank you." He kissed your temple.

"I put your lunch in your bag already." You faced him.

"You're too good for me, let me repay you, let's go out for dinner tonight." He bear hugged you.

"I'd love that." You played with his semi-dry hair. "You better hurry and eat before it's too late." You eyed the clock.

He sighs and pulls away, sitting down to eat breakfast. In the meantime you multitasked and pulled out your phone, answering any work emails you may have gotten.

Thankfully it was your day off and Hirugami got off earlier tonight, so all you had to do before dinner was your fair share of household chores.

You placed your plate in the sink, patting Hirugami's shoulder on your way out, this was normally when you'd water all your household plants, though most of them looked like they were about to die since it was the middle of winter.

Hirugami continued to eat and eyed the clock, he wanted to beat traffic so he wouldn't be late.

You heard the door open, you figured he went to warm up his car so the frost would melt. You were correct because you could hear his footsteps nearing you.

He wrapped his arms around you to keep him warm.

"You're cold!" You shriek.

"And you're keeping me warm." He hums into the crook of your neck.

"I can't water my plants when you're draped over me." You sigh.

"It's okay, they're dead anyway." He chuckled. "You love me more then dead plants right?"

"Of course I do, Sachiro." You giggle. "You're going to be late if you don't leave now."

He grumbles and released you, walking over towards the front of the door to put his shoes on, along with his coat.

You passed the kitchen and noticed his wallet was still here. He was about ready to leave the house before you stopped him.

"Sachiro, aren't you forgetting something?" You question.

He smiles and walks back in the house, placing his hand on your chin, lifting your face to look up at him. He pressed a passionate kiss to your lips.

"I meant your wallet, but thank you." You show it to him.

"O-oh right." He looks a little embarrassed as he takes the wallet.

"I'll see you later tonight." You him and brought him in closer for another kiss.

He sighs contently, but sadly pulls away.

"I love you!" He says, waiting for you to say it back so he can close the door.

"I love you too. Have a good day." You wave at him.

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