Another? | I. Hajime

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Warnings: Slight NSFW, Time-skip, spoilers? Swearing, aged up, 18+⚠️

You stirred awake from your slumber, reaching to the other side of the bed and felt nothing. You patted the area a few times and only felt the slightly warm sheets indicating your husband had not waken up too long ago.

Sitting up and rubbing your eyes, you glanced at the clock, it was fairly early. You got up to do your morning routine and head down the stairs, you glanced in your daughters room, only to see it empty.

Usually she'd sleep in for longer considering the time, you shook your head and went down the stairs. There stood Hajime cooking some breakfast and placing it on a plate for your daughter to eat.

"Mommy!" She excitedly says, you greet her with a kiss and ruffling her hair.

"Good morning, baby." Hajime smiled and pressed a kiss on your lips, you clung onto his side.

"Why is D/N awake so early?" You yawned, he pushed a plate of food towards you, muttering a quick 'thank you'.

"I asked my parents to watch her for the day so we could relax." He answered.

You nodded and began to eat the delicious food. A knock on the door, who you assumed was his parents, grabbed your attention to confirm your guess.

You got up to greet his mother as she quickly stepped in. Hajime handed her a bag of things, along with putting her car seat in her car.

You unbuckled D/N from her seat and she ran up to her grandmother.

"Hey little one!" She picked up D/N. "Big plans today?" She turned and asked you.

Before you could answer Hajime stepped back inside, "Yup, huge plans." He answered, you had a slight confused face on since he told you the two of you were 'relaxing'.

"Sounds like fun, well we'll be off, I'll see you at 8."She waved off.

You kissed your daughters forehead and told her to behave, though she was a mischievous 2 year old. As the door shut you began to question your husband.

"Big plans? I thought you said we were relaxing." You say and walked back into the kitchen to do the dishes.

He stood behind you and wrapped his strong arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. "I'd say it's big plans."

"What is it? Are we going out?" You asked and placed another dish down.

"No, I think it's best if we stay in." He says. This makes you even more confused. Not even letting you ask another question he begins to place slow kisses to your neck.

You tilt your head giving him more access, his hands roamed up and down your sides, squeezing your hips.

"F-fuck, Hajime.. answer my questions." You say and he unlatched himself from your neck. He turned you around to face him, your arms around his neck.

"Don't you think D/N needs a sibling?"

Your eyes widened a bit, "You want another one?"

He nods his head. "Hear me out, she'll have someone to play with-"

You shut him up with a kiss, lasting only a few seconds before pulling back, "I'm not opposed to the idea." You genuinely did want another child, you just wanted to egg him on a bit.

"It's good exercise to burn calories, plus you get a gift along with it. It's a win win." He looked at you all smug.

You pretended to think for a moment making him groan. Then trying to get out of his grip on your waist, "We're not done yet." His voice dropped a bit lower. "You said you liked it, right?" He says between peppering kisses on your neck.

You stayed silent wanting to see if he was going to say more, "Silence means it's a yes." He says and dragged you to the bedroom.

"You planned for this didn't you?" You laughed and went next to him on the bed.

"I knew my parents wouldn't mind watching their granddaughter." He says and already stripped from his shirt, admiring his muscles he had a smirk plastered on his face.

You mimicked his action, "Let's get started, we won't be stopping for awhile." He says huskily. You two did have the house alone for awhile, you made sure to take an Advil beforehand for the long events that were about to happen.

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