Late | S. Koushi

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Warnings: Cursing, both reader and Suga are in college⚠️

Sugawara was running late to his morning classes. He had accidentally slept in past his alarm, you just felt so comfortable as you cuddled him, so he promised to only stay a few more minutes.

He mentally reminded himself to just press snooze next time instead of turning it off, because he fell right back asleep.

You woke up as he was as in the middle of his shower, he wasn't exactly the quietest this morning.

The water hastily turned off and out came a half dried Suga, his hair was still dripping and his clothes clung onto him tighter.

You were a little confused as to why he was up so early.

"I'm sorry for waking you up, baby, but I've gotta get to class or else I'll be late." He quickly says and kisses your cheek.

He didn't give you any time to respond since he shut the door.

You followed him shortly, seeing how he had already made it down the stairs in record time.

He was packing his lunch in a rush, his shoes weren't even tied as you eyed him down.

"Koushi? You know it's Saturday, right, love?" You stopped him in the middle of getting his bag.

He paused for a moment and checked his phone, surely enough, his phone read Saturday in bold letters.

He ran his fingers through his still wet hair, he mixed up the days.

"I got up for nothing! I was so comfortable too!" He whined and sat on the couch. You took the seat next to him.

"It's okay, it happens to all of us." You chuckle sleepily, resting your head on his arm.

He pecked your forehead and held you closely with one arm.

"I'm sorry for waking you up." He apologized.

"'S okay, koushi." You yawn.

A comfortable silence fell upon you two, you were slowly drifting off to sleep.

You couldn't help but notice Sugawara's natural scent was off. He smelled more... feminine?


"Yeah, love?"

"Did you use my body wash?" You question.

He rubbed his neck guiltily. "Yeah I did, sorry, I was in such a rush-"

"Hey, I never said it was a bad thing, I was just confused. You smell like me." You chuckled and hugged him closer.

"I do, don't I?" He laughed along as well. "I also used your shampoo too... it smelled good." He admitted.

"I knew I wasn't going crazy! I thought my shampoo was emptying pretty quickly." You laugh into his chest.

"Yeah.. that was me." He admits. "I just liked the way my hair felt after. You'd always compliment my hair afterward too."

After a moment of silence, he spoke up again.

"Are you mad?"

You chuckle. "No, of course not. I've just gotta buy two bottles instead of one now."

He sighed in relief.

"Just make sure to throw the empty bottle out and tell me so I can get another." You tell him.

"Got it, love." He smiles into your hair. "I can't believe I thought I had classes today." He chuckled.

"You're lucky I woke up to stop you." You egged him on.

"I would've figured it out one way or another." He played with a piece of your hair.

"I don't think I can sleep now, Koushi." You admit.

"I'm sorry." He kissed your forehead. "I can make it up to you by making breakfast?" He suggested.

You hummed. "That sounds good."

Suga stayed for a few more minutes before deciding to get up and make the promised breakfast.

On instinct, as he tried to get up, your grip tightened around him.

"Sweetheart, I have to get up to make you breakfast." He laughed.

Your brows furrowed as you held him impossibly closer.

"No!" You whined.

"Do you want breakfast or not?" He questioned.

You loosened your grip, allowing him to get up and stretch.

"I'll be back, sweetheart, don't fall asleep on me." He says, ruffling your hair a bit.

You groaned as you adjusted yourself to be more comfortable.

"Or else I'll eat both mine and your breakfast." He warned.

"Okay okay, I'll be up." You rested on your elbows.

He chuckled and started to head towards the kitchen. Meanwhile you slowly woke yourself up again by going on your phone.

Eventually you smelled the delicious breakfast your boyfriend was making.

You finally decided to get up and greet him in the kitchen, as if you weren't just with him.

His back was turned against you, facing the stove. He was humming whatever was playing on his phone.

You surprised him by wrapping your arms around his waist.

"Oh hi there." He greeted.

"Hi." You chuckle against his back. "It smells good."

"You wanna be my little taste tester?" He asks, you nodded and gave him access to your mouth.

"Mmm, tastes as good as it smells." You complimented.

"Thank you, sweetheart."

He wasn't the best cook, but you could appreciate the effort he puts into it.

It definitely isn't the worst you've ever tasted.

You decided to make yourself useful and not make your poor boyfriend who got off on the wrong start this morning do everything for you. You set out two plates with utensils next to them.

He put your serving on the plate along with his own, leaving the dishes to be washed for later.

You thanked him for the food and began to eat. This was one of his better meals, he had taken the time to perfect this one because it was one of your favorites.

After breakfast Sugawara went upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes, while you did the dishes.

Although this morning wasn't what he expected, Sugawara definitely enjoyed waking up to you in the morning, whether it be in a rush or taking his sweet time.

You'd be there for him.

Now he got to relax and enjoy his day off from school.

"What should we watch?" You asked as he came down the stairs, already seeing you on the couch with blankets surrounding you.

A wide smile on his face, he couldn't believe found someone like you.

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