You | T. Kageyama

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Warnings: Swearing, slight angst?, fluff⚠️

Kageyama has been one of your closest friends for awhile, and for the most part that's what you saw him as for the most part.

There had been times where you questioned yourself if you only saw him as a best friend, like when he always made sure to walk you home everyday. Or how he conveniently carried your favorite snacks with him in case you got hungry.

But you easily came up with an excuse that it's just what best friends do. So when Kageyama got a girlfriend you weren't that hurt, you took it as a sign that you were overthinking your feelings.

You weren't the closest with the girl he was dating, the reason being that she was stuck up and acted like the world revolved around her.

It really surprised you that he'd date someone so... self centered, but if he was happy then you had no reason to share your worries.

You entered the gym as usual, hearing the same arguing from a certain duo.

"What happened this time?" You chuckled as you set your backpack down by the bench.

They continued to argue, from what you could hear it was about soup. They both stopped and now turned to you to settle this.

"Is cereal considered a soup?" Kageyama breathed out.

You blinked a few times registering what he just asked. "So... you're telling me that you two are arguing about whether cereal is a soup or not?"

"Yes!" Hinata laughs. "I mean it's obviously in its own category, like-" He was interrupted by the door swinging open.

The three of you turned your heads to see who'd cause such a dramatic entry, for sure you thought it'd be Noya and Tanaka, but it turned out to be Akina, Kageyama's girlfriend.

"Tobio! I thought we were supposed to go out today." She whined as she ran in and wrapped herself around his arm, he was clearly uncomfortable.

Hinata snorted and started to walk away to the bench to drink water, wanting to see how this would unfold. You followed him and took a seat next to him.

"What? I never said that. I told you I had practice." He states.

"But you're always practicing! I wanna go to this new cafe." Her high pitched voice rang through your head, giving you a headache in a matter of seconds.

"I can't today." He says and shakes her off, going towards the two of you, grabbing a water bottle in the process. "Our tournament is coming up soon and I want to practice more with Hinata."

She frowns, "All you ever do is play volleyball! You never give me any of your time." She stomps.

At this point you felt like your head was going to blow from her voice. Hinata didn't seem to be enjoying this as much as he thought he would.

He ushered you to follow him to give them some privacy, you figured that they'd continue to argue.

They'd only been dating for 3 months and you could tell that Kageyama didn't seem to be enjoying it.

"Holy shit her voice is so high pitched." Hinata laughs as he soothes his ears.

"I thought I was the only one." You say.

"Are you two talking about the king's girlfriend?" Tsukishima says as he's about to open the gym door.

You stopped him from opening it, "No, they're arguing right now."

"Great." He sighs.

The three of you began to talk about something random to pass time, waiting for Akina to come out so the team could practice.

More and more guys from the team showed up, each of them asking the same question. "Why are you all out here?"

Finally you all saw a very upset Akina run out of the gym, the doors flying open. Tanaka manages to catch one of them before it completes shuts.

"Alright, let's begin now." Daichi ordered and they all quickly began to warm up.

Kageyama didn't seem to be very upset after his argument, he seemed more tired than anything. Not physically, but mentally.

That girl had been taking a toll on him and it was beginning to show. After practice you refrained from asking any questions about what happened, if he wanted to share then he would. It really wasn't your business, though that doesn't mean you weren't intrigued.

The next day he seemed fine, you haven't seen Akina all day and normally she'd be interrupting every conversation he was having.

He bid a short goodbye as he went off to the gym to get some reps in before class began.

You stood by the door observing him. Hinata was inside with him hitting every ball that was sent his way.

A voice startled you from behind, "He doesn't really seem that affected." Suga smiles as he came up behind you to peek inside.

"I mean, they argue more frequently now so maybe he's used to it." Daichi says as he walks in.

"We told Kageyama to get a girlfriend to maybe loosen up, but I thought he'd confess to you, not take someone's random confession." Suga sighs as he followed the captain inside.

What was he saying? Kageyama confessing to you? All of this had you really confused, did he ever like you?

All of these questions began to ponder in your head, the class bell rang so you hurried off.

Once lunch came around Kageyama would always have lunch with you, even when he first began dating Akina, he said he didn't want to completely neglect you just because he got a girlfriend.

"Hey." You greeted.

"Hey." He says and takes a seat next to you, slumping down the wall.

"What's wrong? Do you wanna talk about it?" You asked as you pulled out two bentos, placing his in his hands.

He opened it up and began to eat really fast. "Woah woah, slow down." You chuckled. "You're eating like you haven't in days!"

He swallowed the remaining food, "Sorry." He says. "Akina made me cookies yesterday as an apology, but if I'm being honest they tasted terrible." He scoffs.

"I felt bad about yesterday, it was pretty awkward for the team." He sighs. "And you."

"It's fine, are you two good now? You look tired to me." You say back.

He rubs his eyes, "I don't know. Is this what dating is supposed to feel like? I feel so restricted- like I'm not able to do anything!" He admits.

"No. That's not normal." You say. "If I were in your situation, I'd leave her. You don't seem happy, you're not even sleeping enough."

"Why couldn't it have been you?" He asked.

"What?" You say confused. Is this what Suga was talking about?

"I was planning on confessing to you, but Akina ended up asking me out and I gave it a shot. I didn't wanna ruin our friendship." He bluntly says.

You listened intently to what he was saying as he rambled on, you've never seen him so talkative before.

"I should've just asked you." He ended his ramble. "I know the two of us would've been way different than whatever the hell I'm in." He chuckled to lighten the mood.

"Maybe." You mumble. "Does... does she know?"

"I feel like she has an idea about it. But it doesn't matter, I broke up with her this morning." He says taking a sip of hit water. "Yeah. We're not together anymore." He turned his head to face you.

You apologized about it, but he assured he was fine. It didn't hurt him at all because he could tell from the first fight that it wasn't gonna last.

In his mind luckily he hasn't done anything special with her besides hand holding, he was so glad he saved most of his firsts so it could be with you.

Now he wanted to give himself a little time before asking you to officially be his.

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