Sunrise | A. Keiji

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Warnings: Takes place in college, time-skip, mentions of insomnia⚠️

Your body jolted awake, feeling tired, but not able to go back to bed.

In your head, you really hoped it wasn't one of those days where your insomnia would take over and now allow you to sleep for various reasons.

The clock read back to you in big, bold, red numbers, 4:50. It was practically mocking you, uni had been extra tough lately, but this would be your only day to sleep in and your body was refusing it.

Now, you laid awake, next to your boyfriend who was surprisingly sleeping. Uni had him up until the early hours of the morning, but his face seemed relaxed.

His arms were loose on your waist, giving you an easy escape, you'd rather not lay in bed, tossing and turning, and risking the chance of waking your sleep deprived boyfriend.

So, your only option was to go downstairs and make some sleep time tea, crossing your fingers that it relaxes you enough back to slumber, because god knows the two hours of rest would not get you through a day.

The floor was cold beneath your feet, you carefully stepped so you wouldn't land on a creek in the floorboards, eventually making it to your door and shutting it softly behind you.

You trudged your way down the stairs, rubbing whatever sleep that was left in your eyes.

The bright kitchen lights weren't making it any better, bringing a slight sting to your eyes as you stared at the many different tea bags.

Your tea was cooling down, you managed to fix the lights, only having one on so it wasn't as bright, your head was starting to hurt as well, probably because of how much you're stressing right now.

Familiar footsteps enter the kitchen, low and behold, Akaashi was awake, scratching at his toned stomach.

"Darling? What're you doing up?" He yawns, taking a sip of your tea.

"Couldn't sleep, go back to bed, I'll meet you in a few." You say.

"Nah, it's fine. I couldn't sleep either way." He puts the mug back down and behind to stretch his limbs, cracking a few bones here and there.

"Here, have some, baby." You push another mug towards him.

He stares at it for a few seconds, "You know, I don't believe this sleep time tea actually works."

"And why is that?" You egg on.

"Because no matter how many times you've drunken it, you still aren't able to sleep afterward." He yawns one final time.

You chuckle, "You're right, but it does help sometimes."

"I have a better idea." He smiles softly, taking your hand and leading you upstairs, and into the bedroom. "You might wanna wear sweats, I'm pretty sure it's cold outside."

"Why are we going outside?" You question, but still find a pair of sweats and throwing them on.

"I read online that going on walks makes you tired, we have the whole day off so why not try it?" He shrugs. "We both could use a new way of falling asleep quicker."

You nodded along and effectively layered your clothes so you wouldn't be freezing outside.

"Ready?" He questions, tying his last shoe, standing back up to his full height.

"Yes." You say, "Where are we going?"

"Just a walk around our development." He shuts the door behind him, seeing your breath and his own escaping your mouths. "Not too cold, right?"

"Not really, I'll get used to it." Your hand finds his almost immediately, basking in his natural warmth.

It was still dark out, but it wouldn't take long for sunrise to kick in.

It was so surprise when you didn't see any people walking besides the two of you, who in their right mind would go on a walk at 5 am?

The night sounds turned into morning ones, as the birds began to awake and fly around.

"This is nice, Keiji." You squeeze his hand, his head turning toward yours, wearing a matching smile.

"It is." He nods. "Feeling tired?"

You pondered for a moment. "I can't tell yet... I think I feel more calm than before." You inhale a deep breathe. "What about you?"

"I'm starting to get a little tired." He admits.

"It's the sleepy time tea." You giggle, knowing he doesn't believe in the tea making you sleepy.

"It most certainly isn't." He assured, letting out a small chuckle.

"Then what else, hm? We haven't been walking for that long." You point out.

He stays quiet, his cheeks were pink, probably due to the cold, he nuzzled his face into his scarf, looking adorable.

"Exactly." You silently cheered, not hearing a remark back from him.

"No, it's because this conversation is putting me to sleep." He retorts.

Your mouth hung open, staring at him in disbelief, he was always like this, you really didn't mind, it was just his way of teasing.

"Kidding." He chuckles and brought your hand that was linked with his to his lips, pressing a chaste kiss on your knuckles.

"Yeah, you better be, Keiji." You roll your eyes, but then once you two mad eye contact, giggles bursted out of you two.

He led you to a bench at the park, the sun was rising from its slumber, making the view look more ethereal.

You sat down and admired the view, you definitely wouldn't mind doing this again.

"You're beautiful, you know that, Y/n?"

His voice caught you off guard, you turned back to look at him, his eyes admiring all your features.

You smiled widely at his compliment. "Thank you. But you're prettier." You pinch his cheek, turning it even more red than it was before.

He softly shook his head, disagreeing with you as you faced the sun once again.

The light warming up your skin. He pulled himself out of his daze, forcing himself to check the time.

"Love, we should start heading back so we can rest for a while." He brushed your hair out of your face.

"Hmm... okay then." You leaned in, feeling his plump lips on yours, surprisingly they were warm, he felt the heat leave his lips as you pulled away.

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