Least I can do | B. Koutarou

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Warnings: period symptoms, cramps, small hurt/comfort⚠️

You're livid at the moment. Your period was nearing and your stupid tracker said it was still 2 weeks away, but here you are, feeling symptoms of pain. It got so bad that now you're wide awake, slightly nauseous and stomach cramping.

The screen on your phone lit up, mocking you with its time, there's no way you're sleeping anymore. You can't even skip school because there's an important topic being covered in math before the big test in two days.

You took some medicine for the cramps and headache, you figured you might as well watch some comfort movies to help you feel better and distract your mind.

Quickly the movie became a little boring from seeing it so many times, your backpack was right next to your bed and you took out some papers to review and do homework that wasn't quite due yet.

But it was time consuming, soon enough your alarm went off despite you still being awake, it startled you. You've never felt more tired than right now, you lazily move around the house, gathering your things, you felt out of it, forgetting things and you're just now remembering what they were on your walk to school.

The pounding in your head never subsided, if anything it just got worse. The hallways were cramped and loud, bringing you more discomfort. As long as you wait it out until math then you could go home, the rest of your classes were pretty simple at the moment.

You sit down at your desk, having a few extra minutes before the bell rang. At least the classroom was somewhat quiet. Just as you lay your head on the desk, your name was yelled.


That voice belonged to no one other than your boyfriend, Koutarou. You flinch from the loudness, trying your best to compose yourself and not blow up.

"Kou." You lift your head up.

"Will you be at practice today? We're scrimmaging!" He excitedly says.

Others around you paid no mind to Bokuto, he's always loud and it's gotten really easy to brush him off.

"I got split off from Akaashi, which sucks, but it's fine because I'm still gonna win." He puffs his chest out.

"Kou, can you bring the volume level-"

"So are ya coming or not?!" He says exaggerated.


"Oh! Do you think you can help me study today? At my place? We can walk together after practice." He goes on.

"I don't think today-"

"You look terrible. Did you even sleep?" He notes your tired features.

"I'm trying to tell you something!" You lose patience. He was taken back, "You're asking me so many questions and won't let me answer, Koutarou." You sigh. "Now-"

"Oh." He interrupts you, "Sorry. I should get to-um class." He looks upset and leaves the room.

Great. Now you've got a sad boyfriend and you feel like shit. You shouldn't have raised your voice at him, he couldn't have known.

Class went on and it felt like forever, you were for sure leaving after math, this was unbearable. The bell rang for lunch and you were one of the first ones out, signing yourself to leave and on your way home.

You still feel bad about Koutarou, you sent him a message asking to talk, but he hasn't answered. He never leaves you on delivered, especially for this long.

The lack of sleep definitely hit you as soon as you plopped on your bed, you barely changed out of your school uniform, leaving your backpack on your bed as you drifted off to sleep.

Your mom comes in to check on you, noticing you're still sleeping. You had told her you felt sick and she made sure to check up on you.

"She's sleeping still, if you want to come back later you can." Your mom whispers to Koutarou as he enters the room, freshly showered.

"Is it alright if I stay? I promise I won't stay the night, I just want to make sure she's ok." He looks over at you worriedly.

"Of course, you're always welcome here." She says and with that silently shuts the door.

Koutarou sits on the edge of your bed, he heard from one of your friends that you didn't feel well at all and left before lunch.

Now he feels like he was over dramatic with you, he scolds himself for not taking in your body language first before disturbing you.

He sits beside you on the bed, your head easing itself on his lap, he played with your hair, hoping it'll get rid of whatever you're feeling. Your mom came back with some homemade soup and water, he thanks her as she sets it down.

You shift in your sleep, slowly opening your eyes, the headache has gone down quite a bit, but it still lingers.

"Woah woah, easy, baby." Koutarou whispers.

"Kou?" You sit up, getting a good look at him. "What time is it? Did I miss the practice?"

"Don't worry about it, my team won, but that's besides the point." He breathes. "I'm sorry for not noticing that you were sick. I overreacted."

"I should be the one apologizing. I yelled at you this morning. I'm sorry, Kou." Your place a hand on his cheek. He places one of his on top of yours.

"Still, I shouldn't be yelling that early anyway." He chuckles.

"Me too." You join him. "I'm really sorry." You frown.

"It's okay, babe." He kisses your forehead. "Are you hungry? Do you want some medicine?" He's attentive to you, reading your body language.

"I am kinda hungry." You yawn.

"Lucky for you." He says and reaches over you, "I have soup." He sheepishly smiles.

"Thank you, Kou. I wasn't feeling good at all earlier." You sigh. "I wanted to at least wake up for the practice, but that obviously didn't happen."

"It's okay. Your health is more important, call me next time you can't sleep. I want to help." He says sweetly, spoon feeding you.

"I didn't even sleep."

"Well neither would I if you called me, I could've kept you company." He kisses your cheek.

"Yeah." You smile. Eating the soup you're pretty sure your mom made. "How was the practice game? You said you won."

"It went well." He looked off to the side.

"Kou." You knew that look. "Don't tell me you got all emo mode." Your face was frowning, knowing you were the cause of it.

"I couldn't help it! I thought you were mad at me." He huffs. "You haven't even told me what's wrong either." He crossed his arms dramatically and continued to look away.

"Kou." You let out a breathy laugh. "I'm about to be on my period. That's why I don't feel good." You unwrap his arms and put one of them around you.

"It's not supposed to start for another 2 weeks I thought? I track it on my phone." He brings you impossibly closer to him.

"You and me both." You rolled your eyes. "Otherwise I would've been more prepared and I wouldn't have gotten this bad."

"I'm sorry." He kisses your forehead. "I'll make you feel better." He finished feeding you the soup and places the plate back where your mom had set it.

He moved you both so you'd be lying down on the bed, easing your headache. You tested your head on his chest.

"Thank you, baby." You mutter. "I feel so much better already."

"It's the least I can do." He hums and kisses the top of your head.

He promised your mom he wouldn't be spending the night, but here he was, sleeping so peacefully with you in his arms.

Your mom came in to collect the plate and didn't have the heart to wake either of you up, she snapped a quick picture and shut the door behind her.

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