Mornings pt.2 | O. Tooru

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Warnings: Time-skip spoilers, cursing, kissing⚠️

Tooru never slept much in general, so seeing him up at the crack ass of dawn wasn't very surprising.

Plus he woke up early for volleyball practice, so he was so used to it. Though, it was Sunday, which meant it was his day off.

And on rare occasion, he did sleep in.

Today was an unlucky day, he wasn't able to sleep very well because you had gotten home late from work.

He softly removed himself from your grasp, careful with his movements to not wake you up this early in the morning.

His whole body stiffened when you began to move around to a more comfortable position, he unclenched his teeth once you turned away from him.

The brunette quietly got out of bed and pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead, pulling the blankets over you.

His phone brightness made his eyes water a little.

6:30 am.

It stared back at him, taunting him; saying that days off were supposed to be spent sleeping in, instead he was downstairs trying out a new recipe for breakfast.

He had nothing else to do, so why not?

If it came out decent, then he'd be able to add it to his book and having you as his taste tester.

After an hour, he put the finishing touches. It looked good, but did it taste as good as it looked?

He was about to find out now.

His fork was digging into his masterpiece, then brought to his mouth. It smelled good at least.

This was definitely a new taste, he could've added a little more sugar so it didn't taste as bitter, but for his first time, it was actually pretty good.

He patted himself on the back, and couldn't wait to hear your thoughts about it.

Your boyfriend walked up the stairs with the plate in hand, forgetting that you were still sleeping, he wasn't very quiet.

The door opened abruptly, making you jolt a little and open your eyes.

Sometimes he forgot that you were actually able to sleep, he cringes at himself for being so careless.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I woke you up didn't I?" He chuckled.

"Yeah." You yawn and close your eyes once again. "Doesn't matter either way, whatever you were cooking smells amazing, so I was bound to wake up soon."

"You can go ahead and sleep-"

"I should be saying that to you." You opened one eye and smiled softly.

God, he loved that smile.

"Right." He brushed a piece of your hair that was in your face. "I made us something new. We can wait until you're done sleeping, it's not like we have anything else to do."

"No, it's fine. I'm up." You sleepily looked at him, your hair a mess and going in different directions.

No matter what you said about how you looked in the morning, he believed this is when you looked the most beautiful.

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