Mornings | S. Rintarou

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Warnings: Cursing, slight time-skip spoilers⚠️

"No." Suna mumbles half awake.

"Rin, I gotta pee." Your voice coming out raspy from just being woken up.

He groaned and reluctantly let you go to the bathroom.

As soon as you got back into bed, he wasted no time in pulling you back close to him.

"You took too long." He sighs, nuzzling his hair into the crook of your neck.

"I was gone for less than 5 minutes. Your alarm woke me up."

He stayed quiet, holding you closer to him as if that was possible.

His body heat warming you up from the cold winter, he had taken all the blankets in his sleep which caused you to move closer to him.

"Rin." You say.



"Not the full name." He mumbles sleepily.

"You have to get up, don't you have practice?" You move to now face him, still clinging onto his toned waist.


"Go get ready." You softly push him.

"No, just a few more minutes. Go back to sleep, baby."

You got up and he whined at the loss of your touch, "I will not let you be late. Coach said he'd make you run the entire practice."

"A little running doesn't hurt anybody." He lazily smirks and pulls you back into him.

"I'm being serious, Rin." You huff and get back up. "We can sleep in tomorrow, it's your day off."

"That's too long." He says, trying yet again to tug you close to him.

"We've wasted too much time." You got off the bed and tried your best to not hiss at the loss of warmth.

You pulled the blankets off him in one go.

"Hey!" He curled up into a ball. "Come back."

"I will get a cup of water and spill it on you if you don't get your ass out of bed." You chuckle.

He finally sat up and rubbed his eye, "I'm up, I'm up."

"Move I need to do the bed!" You giggle and try to get the sheets underneath him.

"We're just gonna go back to sleep later, so what's the point?"

"Baby, move!" You struggled to get the sheets. "Woah-"

He successfully managed to grab you and pull you back into bed.

Rintarou hums contently. "Cuddle time."

"You will be late-"

"I know, I know. 3 more minutes, I promise." He squeezed you.

You gave up and grabbed your phone from the nightstand, making sure no more than three minutes passed.

"Okay, times up." You got out of his hold. "I'm getting the cup." You say and leave the room.

You did in fact grab a cup of water, but instead of spilling it on him, you drank it.

"Hi, sleeping beauty." You felt a familiar pair of muscular arms wrap around you.

He groaned and swayed the two of you back and forth.

"Any plans for today?" Rintarou asks as he peppered light kisses on your face.

"That tickles." You laugh and try to move away from him.

He showed no sighs of stopping anytime soon, enjoying your laughter and cute faces you made.

"Quit it! You're so annoying." You jokingly say.

"That hurt my feelings... 'm gonna need a lot of kisses." He pouts.

"Oh shut up you big baby." You turn and wrapped your arms around his neck, his remaining at your waist.

He made it so painfully obvious as to what he wanted, so as soon as you leaned in, he pulled back. Wanting to see your reaction.

"Do you want a kiss or not?" You whine.

That's when he captured your lips, it never fails to leave butterflies in your stomach, feeling as if it were the first kiss again and again.

"Better?" He smirks.

You playfully push him away, making him finally start to get ready for his morning practice.

"You never told me your plans." He says from the living room.

"Your sister invited me over to go shopping, so I'll be with her." You yell back.

It was quiet and you heard his footsteps coming closer and closer.

"Gross." He frowns.

"Rintarou! That's your sister!" You gasp and pause for a moment while you were making breakfast.

"Why with her? She's annoying." He grunts and sits down.

"I haven't seen her in awhile, and she's fun to hang out with." You remind him as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Stop pouting."

"It's supposed to be our night." He crosses his arms over his chest.

"I won't be out long, I'll be here before you get back." You kissed his forehead as you placed down the plates of food.

"Thank you. Is that all you have planned?" He says.

"I think so, why?"

"Come eat lunch with me today." He proposes.

You pretended to think for a moment, acting as if you were really pondering on what to do.

"You shouldn't have to think twice." He scoffs.

"I'm kidding! I love you." You smile at him. "Of course I'll eat lunch with my handsome boyfriend."

"I love you too, I guess."


"Kidding, kidding. Thank you for breakfast, but I should really get going before I'm late." He checks his phone.

"I told you so."

"But will that stop me from sleeping in? I think not." He chuckles and grabs his keys.

You walked him out to his car in the cold, even though he told you that you should stay inside.

"I'll see you at lunch with your sister." You kissed him.

"No. She's not coming."

"Yes she is, we're spending the day together."

He pretends to seem upset, but his acting skills were not very good.


"Have a good day. I love you."

"I love you too." With one last peck on the lips, you backed away and let him get out of the driveway.

You could see your breath in the cold air, you just now realized how cold it actually was outside. With one last wave goodbye, he quickly sped off to his gym, already knowing damn well that he was going to be late.

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