Surprise | H. Sachiro

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Warnings: college!au, cursing, reader is stressed⚠️

It was finals week, and you were last minute studying, trying to cram as much information as you could.

Your shared dog with Hirugami, Akio, was lying at your feet. He eventually got up and put his head in your lap, surprisingly it calmed you down a bit.

Slowly you began to get sidetracked, making you re-read the same sentence a few times so you could register what the book was talking about.

"Shit." You mumbled underneath your breath. A headache was quickly approaching, there was no way you could focus now.

"Hey, baby." Hirugami came through the door, carrying a few groceries in his hands.

"Hey." You sigh and return back to your book.

"You've been at that for too long, come take a break." He suggested.

"Just a few more minutes." You mumble.

He shook his head, preparing your favorite food, making sure you could smell it from where you were at in the living room.

This piqued your interest, it smelled delicious, a little break wouldn't hurt you.

You walk over to the kitchen and he has a shit eating grin plastered on his face, knowing that this would make you take a much needed break.

As you reached for the plate, he lifted it.

"Sachiro." You whine. "Let me have some."

"You haven't given me my kiss yet." He pouted.

You rolled your eyes. Placing a quick kiss on his lips, he didn't seem very satisfied though because he pulled you right back in.

"That's better." He smiled and put the plate back down.

You thanked him for the food and dove in, this was very much needed. He stood behind you, arms wrapped securely around you, occasionally asking for a bite.

After that day, you began taking your finals one by one.

You sighed as you got into your car to drive back to your shared apartment with hirugami.

Finally you were free, finals done, and now summer was approaching.

A relief washed over you, your shoulders seemed less tense and more relaxed.

The door was already unlocked, which was a little odd since you were sure that your boyfriend would be running some errands.

As you walked into the apartment, shoes were littered around the entrance.

Things only seemed to get weirder from there, dog toys scattered all over the living room, a small cage for a small dog, tiny bowls next to your much larger ones for Akio.

What confirmed your suspicions were the tiny mud footprints of a dog leading up the stairs.

You followed them reluctantly, wondering if hirugami had gotten another dog without consulting you.

"No!" His voice echoed from the bathroom, you saw Akio's tail wagging from the doorway, it was halfway shut.

The door opened and a puppy came running out to you, it stopped and began jumping on you.

You gasped at how your clothes began to get wet, picking up the small dog either way.

Sachiro stood in front of you, messy hair with mud stained clothes. He awkwardly scratched his neck.

"Hey, baby... you're home early." He chuckled.

"Sachiro, what is this?" You questioned to the small dog, who quickly took a liking to you, and began to run out of its energy; falling asleep on you.

"I love you a lot and I know you were getting stressed with school and stuff, I just thought Akio could use a friend- and well the puppy was running around all alone-"

"So you took it home?"

He stayed silent for a moment, scared that you were going to be upset. "Can we please keep him? He was abandoned- I promise I'll clean up after him too!"

You looked back at the puppy, his sleepy face was so cute. The two of you have slightly mentioned getting another dog, but you didn't think it'd be this soon.

"Fine, we can keep him, but please, next time consult me." You gave in, both the dog and your boyfriends puppy dog eyes were getting to you.

"Thank you, I love you." He hugged you.

"I love you too." You chuckled. "Does he have a name yet?"

"Sota." He kissed your cheek.

"Are you sure he doesn't have a family that's looking for him?" You asked, wanting to make sure before you two kept him for good.

"I'm sure of it, he was wandering by himself, plus he had no collar as well." Hirugami confirmed.

"Ok then." You sighed contently, cuddling the small dog in your arms.

"He likes you already." He smiled into your hair.

"You wanna know what I'd like?"

"What, love?" He says.

You got out of his grip and faced him, a sly grin on your face.

"I'd like downstairs to be cleaned." You giggled.

"Right, I'll get to it then." He left with one final kiss and off he went to clean the mess.

This was definitely a nice surprise after getting away from the stress of school.

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