Accidental | U. Wakatoshi

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Warnings: Cursing⚠️

"What else do we need?" You asked, taking your eyes off your clipboard for a second to look at Ushijima.

"More athletic tape because Tendou used it all." He answers, dusting his hands off on his shorts.

Currently the two of you were stocking up on things that were needed in the storage room. The boys volleyball team was heading to a training camp for a week and there was some very much needed stuff.

You being the manager, decided to make a neat list for the coach so he would know what to get tonight.

"I think that's it." He sighs. "Thank you for staying after, I'm sure you had other things to do."

You waved him off, "Not really, plus it's kind of my job." You finished with a laugh, earning a chuckle from him.

"But still, I kept you here late." He apologizes.

"It's okay, really." You assured. Once you gathered your things, Ushijima locked both the storage room and the gym doors.

Ushijima mentally thanked himself for showering and changing before the two of you went over things, now he has a chance to walk you to your dorm.

"Could I see the paper?" He asked. You nodded and handed it to him, he needed to take a picture and send it to coach.

Before he sent the picture he stopped, "Do you happen to have coaches number?" He says, knowing full on well that he does have it.

"Yeah sure, I can text it to you." You say and take your phone out, ready to type his number. You sent it and saved his contact.

He smiled to himself, he managed to get your number without going through the awkwardness of asking. "Thank you." He says and saved your number as well. The two of you approached the third year dorms, nearing the end of spending time together.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N. Goodnight." He says after mentally preparing what he was going to say for the last 5 minutes.

"Goodnight Wakatoshi." You smiled and entered your dorm. Once you exited out of the shower, you did your nightly routine and got in bed, smiling to yourself that you now got your crushes number.

The morning arrived and the school day went on as usual, today was the first day of the one week camp. The team would leave right after school. You packed the last of your bag and began your walk to the front of the gym.

"I can't believe you got her num- Y/N!" Tendou catches himself as the two of them turned the corner and you were just getting out of your room.

"Oh- hey you two." You greeted. "You startled me." You chuckled.

"Sorry." The two apologized, you told them you were okay.

"Excited for the camp?" You asked, walking in the middle of them.

"Yes." Ushijima simply answered.

"I'm not excited for the car ride." Tendou sighs.

You raised a brow, "It's only an hour and a half."

"Tendou can't stay still for that long, he gets bored." Ushijima chimed in.

"I can sit still, but who's gonna entertain me?!" Tendou gasps, effectively making you laugh. You shrugged and kept walking, soon getting to the gym and getting your bags situated on the bus.

"Coach made us a seating chart because of what happened last time." Semi sighs, disappointed that he can't chose freely where he'd like to sit.

"You can all blame Tendou's ass for that." You say remembering what happened last time.

Last time, Tendou was crawling underneath the seats to sit with everyone, he accidentally woke up the coach and scared him.

"Why'd you even do that?" Semi asked Tendou and they began to bicker playfully.

Soon enough you all got situated in the bus, you ended up sitting with Ushijima and Tendou sat right next to coach. Semi and Shirabu began teasing the red head.

"Hopefully he stays in his seat this time." Ushijima says out loud, gaining laughter from all over the bus.

You chuckle and agreed with him. You spent the bus ride resting your eyes and listening to music, not paying much attention the the others around you. Apparently you had actually fallen asleep because you felt someone slightly shaking your shoulder.

"We're here." Ushijima says.

"Thanks." You yawn and get out of the seat. You got off the bus and stretched your limbs, "How was your seat, Tendou?" You asked, already knowing how miserable he must've been.

He frowned, "It was so boring!"

"Maybe that'll teach you to not go crawling underneath the seats." The coach says as he got out of the bus. You all laughed at Tendou while he groaned, continuing to complain how the coach didn't even listen to his recent theories he was interested in.

The coach explained about how rooms were done, he trusted Ushijima enough to let you two share a bed since there were a shortage of them.

He apologized for not having an extra room like you always had before, but you didn't really mind. You trusted all the boys and knew they wouldn't do anything.

Semi and Tendou also shared the other bed, the three of them got changed since they began their practice before dinner and then bed.

You took your time getting situated, making sure to keep everything clean, before you too went to the gym to watch them.

After dinner the boys took turns taking a shower, currently Semi was taking his sweet time, while an uncomfortably sweaty Tendou sat on the floor in front of the door.

"I told you to shower after me." Ushijima called out to him, already telling him off.

"I didn't know he'd take this long." Tendou whines, banging his head on the door and Semi yelling at him to stop.

"Was that extra round in that game worth it?" You joked. "You didn't even win!"

Tendou playfully glared at you, but he fell backwards since he was leaning on the door and Semi had finally got out.

"Dude, what the hell are you doing?" Semi curses, jumping back.

"I was waiting for you to get out! You take so long." Tendou sighs and shuts the door, the shower turned on immediately after that.

"You shouldn't have showered after me." Semi grumbles and lays in his bed.

"I literally told him that." Ushijima says and he too lays down. "I'm not making you uncomfortable am I?" He reassured.

"No, I'm good, really." You smiled.

He lets out a sigh of relief and gets inside the covers. You put your phone down on the nightstand, to charge, and turned off the lamp next to you.

You looked over to see Semi already passed out, snoring softly. "Goodnight." You politely say.

"Goodnight." Ushijima smiled to himself, he thanked to whoever was above that the light was off because he was sure that there was an obvious blush on his face. He was sleeping right next to his crush, the team would make fun of him tomorrow during warmups.

You faced away from him and he did the same. Sometime during the night you had gotten sick of sleeping on your right side, so you turned.

Ushijima had turned as well, he was slightly awake, you were so close to him, he could practically engulf you in a bear hug.

He accidentally put out his hand a little too far and it rested against your arm, you seemed to take the hint and scooted closer. He definitely wasn't expecting this—cuddling with his crush, in the same bed, at a training camp.

He tensed up and you immediately noticed, groggily you asked, "Is this okay?" His heart skipped a beat hearing your voice all raspy.

"Yes, are you?" He whispered. You hummed and snuggled in closer with him.

Now he was definitely going to be made fun of tomorrow, but that quickly slipped his mind as he began to think of ways to ask you out properly once the two of you got back from the camp.

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