Too early | M. Issei

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Warnings: Cursing⚠️

Being Aoba Johsai's manager had its perks, for example, joking around with the fellow third years, getting to know the younger ones, making memories, etc.

But waking up early for camps was not one of them, though, you guys had gotten out of school on Thursday, along with the rest of the week plus the weekend.

Here you were, standing out in the cold putting everyone's duffel bags underneath the bus. The car ride would be about 4 hours to the shared school with Nekoma, Karasuno, and Fukurodani.

You heard some faint arguing from behind you, you turned to the sound and found the third years coming toward the bus.

"I told you we wouldn't be late." Oikawa huffed. 

"We almost were! All because your ass wanted coffee." Iwaizumi says.

"It was a new cafe! I wanted to try it out."  Oikawa answered back.

"Isn't this your first time having coffee?" Makki asked.

Their voices were still groggy from being up so early, their puffy eyes confirming that they had just woken up.

"Yeah it is, I wanted to try coffee, plus I barely got any sleep last night." Oikawa laughed.  

"And who's fault is that?" Mattsun chuckled, he gave you a quick kiss on the lips and wrapped his arms around you from behind.

"I wanted to watch Fukurodani's game film, see what we're up against at this camp." Oikawa reasoned.

"Whatever." Iwaizumi huffed. "Hey, Y/N." he greeted. You greeted him back, along with the others.

You guys were all waiting for the coach to come back from the gym, he went back to make sure you weren't forgetting anything or anyone.

The quietness was nice, it was the first time in awhile that no one was arguing, despite them bantering not even 5 minutes ago.

Oikawa took his first sip of coffee, expecting it to live up to his high expectations from everyone else, only for him to spit it out. "Blehh!! That's so gross!" Oikawa spit once again, trying to get rid of the taste on his tongue.

"What's wrong with it?" Makki asked grabbing the coffee, inspecting it.

"It tastes so bitter! I think the lady messed it up and forgot to put creamer." He whined taking out his water to drown out the taste.

Iwaizumi grabbed his straw from his drink and put it in Oikawa's, wanting to taste it and see if Oikawa was being serious. His brows furrowed as he turned to Oikawa.

"Fucking idiot, it has creamer in it." He says handing the drink to Makki.

He too took a sip, "Yeah it literally tastes like caramel."

"No way! That's so bitter, how do you not taste it?" Oikawa asks baffled.

"It's six in the fucking morning." Kunimi deadpans.

"And they're already arguing." Kindaichi yawns. The rest of the team made their way to the bus.

"Now I don't want it!" Oikawa declared, "Here, Y/N, you can have it." he says handing you the drink.

"No thanks Oikawa." You chuckled, "I'm trying to lessen my coffee intake."

"Yeah she's always drinking it because she barely sleeps." Mattsun laughs a little and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.

Iwaizumi sighs, "Just throw it away."

Oikawa did what he said and began asking everyone for a piece of gum to get the bitter taste off his tongue.

"Finally he's gone." Makki jokes.

"Hey!" Oikawa turned from talking with the first years.

You tuned them out as Mattsun swayed the two of you slowly. "Can I sit by you on the bus?" He asked.

You chucked, "Baby, you don't have to ask me."

"Just wanted to make sure." He muffled his voice so the others wouldn't tease him.

The coach finally came back and let you all on the warm bus, after he finished his short speech you took out your headphones and connected them to your phone.

"I wish someone would give me an airpod." Mattsun sighed heavily.

You rolled your eyes, "Here." You say handing him one. You clicked on a random playlist and cuddled close to him, he rested his head on top of yours as sleep washed over you quickly.

"I literally saw him wearing his own airpods before we came to the bus." Oikawa says.

Iwaizumi agreed with him and laughed, already thinking of things to say once the two of you wake up to tease you.

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