Dogs | K. Tobio

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Warnings: Cursing⚠️

"Which one do you like more?" You hold out two different flavors of chips.

"This one." He takes the bag from your left hand. "Let's hurry up, I think coach wants us to leave so he can close."

"That was all of it." You smile.

Kageyama felt the tips of his ears red, he ruffled your hair and walked up to pay.

"What're you glaring at me for?" He takes your hand as he carried a grocery bag in the other.

"You messed up my hair." You pout.

He squinted his eyes and looked away, you were really doing a number on him. You were too cute.

"What movie we watching anyways." He led the way to your place.

"I'm not feeling a movie, let's just binge watch a show. Your pick." You nudge him.

He nods and continues the walk to yours, a soft smile creeped on his face when he looked over at you.

"What're you smiling at?" You couldn't help but smile back, even bigger.

"You're pretty." He mutters and quickly looks away from you. "Pick up the pace." He tried to take the heat off of him.

"You're cute, Tobio." You cling onto him.

"'M not." He clicks his tongue.

"Are too." Before he could argue back you stopped him. "I will take no more excuses."

"We're here." He announces.

You unlocked the door, having the place to yourself for the night since your parents were working late shifts.

Quickly greeted by your new puppy, you coo and immediately pick him up, letting him shower you in kisses.

"I missed you too." You placed him back down, your dog avoided Kageyama as if he was the plague. "Say hi, Tobio."

He furrowed his brows. "He hates me."

"It's because you scare him." You giggle, "I'll be back, let me go get some bowls." You take the bag from him and enter the kitchen.

Kageyama made his way into the kitchen where you were at. "Can I change real quick?"

"Yeah, you don't have to ask. You've been here plenty of times." You remind. "Love you."

"Love you too." He nods and went to change out of uniform.

The living room was all set up, the snacks on the coffee table, lights were off; the only light was the tv from being on.

Your dog ran back into the living room, attempting to get up on the couch with you.

"Aww, come 'ere." You picked him him, immediately he snuggled into your arms. You gave out various praises, giving him all of your attention.

You didn't even notice when your boyfriend came back into the room, he even sat next to you.

"Tonight is me and you, not him." He points to the furry animal in your arms.

"He wants to cuddle." You show off his puppy dog eyes threatening to shut at any moment from being so comfortable.

"I need cuddles too." He says.

"Join us then, baby, don't be shy." You encourage him.

He wrapped his arm around you and attempted to bring you closer, only angering your dog who was now growling at him.

"See, he hates me. It's either him or me." Kageyama pouted and crossed his arms.

You looked back at the puppy in your hands and back to your boyfriend, pretending to contemplate your choice.

"Are you serious." He deadpans. "You're really thinking about it."

"I'm kidding, Tobio! It'll always be you... but look how cute he is."

"He growled at me."

"He's warming up to you." You assure.

He wasn't very amused and continued to pout until the dog left your hands. You brought him down and let him wander.

"Finally." He grunted.

"I'll bring him back." You warn.

"No, that will not be needed. I'm sorry." He quickly answered as his eyes widened. Pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead.

You cuddled closer and began your binge watching, but it grew uncomfortable after a little, so you adjusted the position and he was now spooning you.

"Can you see?"

"Yeah, I like this better." He inhales your scent.

You hum and continue to watch the show, after a few episodes you felt your eyelids getting heavy.

Kageyama did not let this go unnoticed, when he felt you falling asleep, he'd nudge you back awake to at least finish the rest of this episode, he hated when it was left unfinished.

"Bedtime." He concluded.

"...One more." You yawn.

"No, then you'll definitely be asleep." He chuckled. "Come on, up." He tapped your legs, earning a series of groans from you.

The food was left for tomorrow's worry, but Kageyama's currently worrying about how that damn dog took his place on the bed.

"There you are." You sleepily smile and cradle him in your arms.

"He took my spot." He points at the dog and he immediately lifts his head to growl at Tobio.

"You're scaring him."

"I'm not doing anything!" Kageyama gasps. "Animals just don't like me."

"I wonder why?" You take one look at his glaring face.

"Not funny." He deadpans, "He has his own bed down there." Kageyama points to the small square in your room.

"He likes it up here." You sleepily say.

"Don't fall asleep on me."

"Just get in." You opened the blanket for him. "He won't bite."

"Are you sure about that?" Kageyama placed his knee on the bed to hop on, only to be met with more growls.

"I'll turn the other way." You say and flip. Kageyama sighs and gets into bed, expecting to have his hands bitten off for wrapping his arms around you.

He was met with a series of licks instead and they definitely weren't from you, his left eye opened and the dog that supposedly hated him was now licking him.

"What's he doing?"

"He's kissing you." You laugh. "Let him be."

"Don't fall asleep?!" He shrieks. "Once you sleep he's gonna bite my hands off, I need these y'know, for volleyball!" Kageyama woke you up.

"Tobio, I'm going to make you sleep in the dog bed-"

"Oh, he's leaving." He says as your puppy wriggled out of your grip.

"Go to sleep, you idiot." You face him and rested on his chest. "He's keeping guard." You yawn. "He does this every night."

Kageyama played with your hair and stared at the dog who was now in his reserved bed, keeping watch.

"Maybe he's not so bad..." Kageyama too, trails off and feels his eyes getting heavy. Before he knocked out, he pressed one last kiss to your forehead.

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