Annoying | S. Rintarou

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Warnings: pregnancy, cursing, mentions of sexual activities, Rin being horny, small make out⚠️

"Rintarou." You call your husbands name.

"Yes, dear." He responds almost immediately.

"If you sarcastically say 'yes dear' one more time, so help me god, you're sleeping on the couch." You threaten and sigh.

You hear his footsteps enter the kitchen, a sly smile on his face, one that knows what he's already done to annoy you.

"Please tell me why there's an empty carton in the fridge." You take out the evidence to show him.

"Wasn't me, honey." That same stupid smile is still etched on his face, he knows it too, it drives you mad.

"Rintarou, I won't tell you again to throw away the things you finish! I'm not your mom, I won't clean up after you all day. I- Rin, are you even listening?!" You notice him eyeing you up and down, licking his lips.

He repeats exactly what you told him just mere seconds ago.

"Hearing is not the same as listening." You rub your temple, the other hand shot down to caress your swollen belly, there's only a few months left before you due date and you husband was becoming more annoying by the second.

"I promise to clean up after myself, okay grumpy?" He attempts to bring you closer to him by grabbing your arm gently.

"No, Rin. You're pissing me off. You're not funny." You snatch your arm back and cross it above your belly.

"That's not what you said when we were dating, yeah?" His cheeks hurt from smiling so much these last few minutes.

"I was just trying to make you feel manly, asshole." You rolled your eyes, your appetite to eat whatever it was is gone since your lovely husband finished it all.

"Hey, you mad at me, pretty? I'm sorry, I'll throw my things away when I'm finished, okay?" He moves in front of you, finding it easy because you're starting to wobble when you walk and he thinks it's the most hilarious thing ever.

"I was really looking forward to eating my cereal." Your eyes tear up, "You are annoying me." You sniffle and he brings you into his chest, caressing your head, swaying the two of you back and forth.

"I'm sorry, would it make you feel better if I told you the cereal wasn't even that good?" He bats his eyelashes.

"Fuck you, Rin." You say and break from his hug.

"I'm kidding, babe! I'll go to the store right now." He follows after you. "I didn't mean to make you cry." You enter the bedroom, sitting on your side, pouting.

"Well you did." You wipe your eyes. "You know I'm more sensitive now."

"I know, I just love your reactions, sweetheart. They're adorable." He pinches your cheek, in attempt to make you feel better. "Come 'ere." He opens his arms to you, you let your head rest on his shoulder and his hand immediately flies to your stomach. "Would you like to come to the store with me?"

You hesitate for a moment before answering, "Fine." You're still pouting, he leans over and kisses your lips multiple times, showing how sorry he is.

"Go get dressed, pretty, 'm waitin' on 'ya." He gives you one last final kiss, this one lingered for a moment.

"Okay." You smile happily and practically skip to your closet. You stand there for a few, not sure on what to wear. "Rin, can you come here for a sec?" You call out.

He shuffles inside the closet, raising his eyebrows as if asking, 'what?'.

"Should I wear this?" You motion to your chosen outfit. "Or is it too cold? Maybe I should-"

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