New chapter | K. Tetsurou

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Warnings: Time-skip spoilers, cursing, suggestive, pregnancy mentions⚠️

"Your sister is coming over today." You say as you stretch in your shared bed with your husband. The cold summer morning bringing chills to your body.

"Tell her to bring fried rice or else she's not invited." Tetsurou pouts at the mention of his sister, wanting to lay in bed all day with you on his day off from the office.

"You tell her yourself, she's your sister." You giggle, laying back down and bringing Tetsurou down with you, placing a kiss on his nose.

"But she likes you a lot more!" He whines, hugging you and burying his face into your neck, pressing small kisses in hopes to convince you.

"Be nice." You warn. "I'm making your favorite, so no more whining."

He groans, "I still want her to bring fried rice."

"You can call her, babe." You smile. "I'm going to shower while you do that."

"But I wanna shower with you." He misses your warmth, needing to be close to you at all times.

"Just shower?" You raise an eyebrow, scanning the closet for your desired outfit.

He looks off to the side quickly then back to you, "Only showering." He says unconvincingly.

"Liar." You laugh.

"Sweetheart, please. No funny business. Promise." He begs, moving to hug you from behind, stopping you from doing anything.

"Tetsurou, I can feel you!" You swat him away. "You're always so horny."

"It works though, yeah?" He brings you back in, passionately kissing you. As you were about to agree, his phone rings on the bed, he huffs as he makes his way over. "Fuck, it's work." He groans.

"I'm still sore anyways, I'll be quick." You give him a quick kiss.

"I'm telling them I'm not coming in." He let's go of you, taking the call.

When you're finished, he's down in the kitchen, scrolling on his phone. He senses you and opens up his arm to invite you, you immediately accept, wrapping your arms around him.

"You smell really nice." He murmurs.

You kiss him as a thank you, "Did you call your sister?"

His eyes widened, "No I forgot. Bokuto called me right after." He says, searching for his sisters name and dial her. You move behind the sink to wash the small amount of dishes.

"Bring over fried rice or else I won't let you in." You hear him say. He clicks his tongue, you assume his sister insulted him, "Actually, Y/n is the one who wanted it."

"Liar." You whisper, he shakes his head at you, afraid his sister would hear.

"Yeah, she's been craving it." He continues. "I'm not lying!" The conversation continues until he was cut off in the middle of convincing by his sister hanging up on him.

"She bringing it?" You still ask.

"I'm not sure, she hung up." He frowns, fingers typing hurriedly, most likely him opting to text her instead.

"What did Bokuto call for?" You say, preparing lunch for the two of you and his sister.

"He wanted to know if I was working so I'd stop by after their practice to play for a bit." He kisses your cheek and moves around you to grab a water bottle from the fridge. "You need help, hon?"

"Yeah, wash these please." You hand him some vegetables. "I thought he was injured?"

"He was just being dramatic." He rolls his eyes at the thought of Bokuto. You chuckle, it did seem like him to do that. "Then he talked about some sugar mommy that sent him a dm and he thought it was funny."

"Of course he would." You shook your head lightly.

"Why're 'ya laughing? You married me because I'm rich." He teases.

"Did not! Tetsu, don't say that. Someone is going to believe you one day." You scold.

"I'm kidding! Just a joke."

"Yeah, because I specifically remember you wanting to drop out and you asked me to be your sugar mommy." You raise an eyebrow at your husband.

His face flushed a small amount at your comment, "It was a joke, Y/n." He whines.

"You're very whiny today, Tetsu." You giggle and turn off the sink.

"Because I wanted you all to myself today." He turns you around to face him.

"You have me for a few hours."

"It's not enough." He groans, pulling you into a bear hug, swaying you back and forth. "When we got married I thought that meant you'd only give me attention."

"Tetsurou, you're being such a baby right now. What're you gonna do when we have kids? They'll need a lot of my attention."

"You want kids with me?" He smirks.

"You totally missed the point." You deadpan.

"No, I understood very well." He kisses you. "We could be practicing, but no, my sister wants to come over and she's probably not bringing fried rice." He pouts.

"Practice what?" You're confused.

"Baby making." He says so casually, as if it were obvious.

"You're so annoying. Move, I need to make the food."

"No. I love you." He tightened his grip on you.

"I'll sleep on the couch if you don't let me go."

"Then we're both sleeping on the couch." He burrows his face into your neck, mumbling and whining. "And to be fair, you were whiny all last week with your food poisoning."

That wasn't necessarily food poisoning, but you did fall ill.

"Duh." You kiss his nose. "Really, I need to get started on cooking."

"Let me help." He pouts.

"I was going to force you to help me either way." You bring him in for another kiss and he gladly accepts.

"Anything. I'll do anything, my queen." He rolls his eyes playfully. "Now stop making out with me or else the food won't be done."

"You were the distracting one." You furrow your brows. He kisses the middle of your eyebrows where it's creasing from frowning at him, softening the area. "I love you."

"I love you more." He stares intently into your eyes.

"Impossible." You shake your head. "Okay, now let's get started." You've both wasted precious cooking time.

He brought out the fish and you immediately cringe at the sight, you quickly distance yourself.

"Why're you so far away?" He frowns.

"So we can actually get some work done." You stick your tongue out. "Keep chopping." He chuckles and does what you say.

Your symptoms started to worsen so you excuse yourself to lay down for a few minutes.

"Are you okay?" He whispers, palming your cheek. You groan and nod. "Sweetheart, I don't think food poisoning should last this long."

'That's because it's not food poisoning.' You wanted to say out loud, but then you'd ruin the surprise that you're currently carrying his child and you're in the early stages of pregnancy.

"We can cancel on my sister, if you're not feeling well." He says.

"You just want an excuse to not see her." Your joke brings him comfort, you're not in that much pain.

"Is there anything I can get you?"

You shake your head, "Just finish up dinner, please? I can't stand to look at food right now." More specifically, you can't stand the uncooked fish smell.

"Okay." He presses a kiss to your forehead and leaves for the kitchen.

You decide to take a quick nap so your nausea would pass, you can't wait for this stage of the pregnancy to go away, but you're excited to begin this new chapter with your husband.

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