Sick | S. Koushi

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You found it weird that you weren't awaken with a good morning text from your boyfriend. He was usually up before you, 'maybe he woke up late', You think to yourself as you slipped on your school shirt.

After you finished getting ready for school, you grabbed your phone off the kitchen counter and stood in front of the door, Suga should've been here by now. You quickly shot him a text and headed out the door so you wouldn't be late.

It was already 8:30 and you've been at the school for awhile, class began at 8:45 so it worried you a bit that he hadn't texted you anything. 'Perhaps he woke up really late', You though and headed off to your class.

You got busy with class and it took your mind off of him, once lunch time came around you received a text from Suga. He said he was sick and not feeling well so he stayed home, he apologized for not replying quickly.

You assured him that it was ok and told him you'd be paying him a visit after school, not giving him a chance to deny since you put your phone down to enjoy lunch with the team.

"Hey, Y/N. Any idea why Suga isn't here?" Asahi asked as he sat down across from you.

"He's sick." You replied.


"How bad is it?" Daichi asked.

"I'm not sure, but he said he could barely get out of bed." You say and began to eat your lunch.

"That's too bad, so you'll be missing practice as well I'm assuming?" Kiyoko says and sits next to you.

You nodded and swallow your food before answering. "Yeah, just wanna make sure he's ok, and I wanna take care of him." You say and feel the tips of your ears burn slightly.

The third years teased you a little before changing the subject to something else.

Soon lunch came to an end and so did the school day. Once you got out of class you headed straight to Ukai's store to get some things.

The familiar bell rang as you walked in, Coach Ukai gave you a confused look as to why you're here. "What's up kid?" He says putting on his jacket to head to the school for practice.

"Suga's sick so I'm paying him a visit." You explained, walking through the aisles to get what you needed.

"Alright, my mom can ring you up, I've gotta head to practice." He says and you nodded simply, paying more attention to what soups you wanted to get.

You figured chicken noodle soup would be good, along with some crackers, and gatorate. Ukai's mom scanned your items quickly so you could tend your poor sick boyfriend.

Quickly making your way to his house, he left you a message that he left the door unlocked for you. You quietly opened the door, and texted him that you were here so he wouldn't be startled.

You left your groceries on the kitchen counter and began making your way up the stairs. You reached his room in the hallway and gave a quick knock before you entered. Peeking your head through you saw a sleeping Suga.

He felt the side of the bed dip causing him to open his eyes. "You didn't have to come over, I don't wanna get you sick." His voice raspy and dry.

You playfully rolled your eyes. "It doesn't matter, what matters is that I take care of you." You say and boop his nose then moving your hand on his forehead to check him temperature. "Well at least you don't have a fever."

He pouts, "My throat hurts." He whined.

You saw the medication next to his bed, figuring that his mother attended him in the morning before heading off to work. "When's the last time you took this?" You picked up the bottle, the capsules moving as you slightly shook it.

He cleared his throat before answering, "Um.. the morning."

You checked the time, making sure it'd be okay for him to take another dose. You looked around for a water bottle, but met with an empty one on his dresser. "I'll be right back, I need to get you water."You say and begin to stand up from the bed.

He weakly grabbed your arm, "Noo don't go." He slurred a bit. "I don't feel good." He coughed into his arm.

"I know, baby." You cooed, "I'll be quick, once you take this you'll start to feel better." You softly smiled. He let go hesitantly and you quickly went down the stairs to get him a new water. You brought one of the gatorades as well in case.

His head perked up a bit as he heard the creek of the door open, he smiled contently and laid back down. You handed him the water bottle and two capsules, he sat up sluggishly and took them obediently.

"Thank you, baby." He smiled and laid back down.

"Are you hungry? I brought some soup, and gatorade." You say and set the drink next to him.

"Thanks. If you don't mind-"

"Of course I don't mind." You softly say and peck his forehead then went back down the stairs. You warmed up the soup and went on your phone to check up on Yachi and Kiyoko.

Meanwhile upstairs Suga began to feel the effects of the medicine. He freshened up a little while he used the bathroom, grabbing the controller on his way back so the two of you could enjoy a movie or show.

He lowered the brightness so it wouldn't bug his eyes and the headache he managed to make go away. He smiled softly as you walked in with a bowl and spoon.

"How do you feel?" You asked.

"Better, thanks a lot." He says and pats the side of the bed so you could sit together. You moved to his side and left the bowl in his hands, warming them up.

"Feed me?" He sheepishly smiles.

You raised an eyebrow.

"Please? I still feel weak." He says clearing his throat for emphasis.

"Fine I guess." You rolled your eyes.

"Hey!" He says in his raspy sick voice.

"I love you." You say and give him his first spoonful.

Once he finished his first bite he answered back, "I love you too".

The following weekend you unsurprisingly ended up sick as well, being taken care of by a scolding Suga.

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