Maid dress | Various characters

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Warnings: Swearing⚠️
Enjoy some short scenarios about some haikyuu boys and maid dresses.

T s u k i s h i m a  K e i:

"Kei?" You asked with a mischievous smile plastered on your face.

"What?" He turned to you from his chair at his desk where he was peacefully doing homework.

"I'll pay you 15 dollars if you wear a maid dress." You say seriously.

He blinks for a few moments, trying to see if you were being serious about this. "Hell no."

"What?! Come on!" You pleaded.


"Just one time! Please?" You kept on pestering.

"Absolutely not. You'd need to pay me more than just 15 bucks for that." He scoffs.

"How about I give you 30 dollars." You bargained.

He rolled his eyes, "No. I'm not wearing one, that's final." He finished and began to put his notebooks away. You huffed and sat back in his bed accepting defeat.

He slightly felt bad so he brought up some snacks and the two of you cuddled and watched movies the rest of the day.

S u g a w a r a  K o u s h i:

Suga was surfing the web, buying a few things he thought was cool or needed. He eventually got bored and went on tiktok, the first thing on his for you page was a couple, the boy was wearing a maid dress for his girlfriend.

He at first couldn't imagine himself wearing one even if you forced him. With that he got off his phone and opted for watching some tv. Though at the back of his mind lingered the image of him in a maid dress.

A few days passed by and the thought still remained, he somehow ended up searching the web on were to buy a maid dress. He figured it'd be something funny the two of you could laugh at.

He eventually chose one from Amazon and it would arrive the next day so he could surprise you and get your reaction.

You got a text from him asking if you'd want to come over to which you accepted and made your way over to your boyfriends, you imagined you'd be cuddled up watching your favorite show or getting crafty and trying out something fun.

You definitely didn't expect to be sitting on your boyfriends bed while he changed in the bathroom because he said, 'I have a surprise for you'.

Getting bored of staring at the door, anticipating for it to open, you went on your phone to make time pass by faster. Once you heard the knob turn your head snapped up, he stood in the doorway wearing a maid dress.

You blinked a few times to make sure you weren't dreaming, then you bursted into laughter. Suga frowned a little thinking you were making fun of him.

"Do you not like it?" He cleared his throat as you finished your laughing fit.

You wiped a tear from laughing so hard, "No it's not that." you continued to giggle. "I just can't take you seriously." With that Suga joined in the laughter, relieved that he didn't make you feel uncomfortable.

S u n a  R i n t a r o u:

"Let's play dress up!" Sunas little sister yelled.

"No." Suna says pulling you closer, he was seated behind you and his phone in front of the two of you.

"Please?" She begged. "It'll be fun." She insisted.

"Let's play, Rin." You nudged him behind you. "We are supposed to be be watching her while your parents are gone." You chuckled.

"Fine." He gave in. The three of you headed up to her room so she could pick out your outfits. She messily looked through her closet, trying to find some costumes as she was already wearing a princess dress.

"Here! You'll wear this Y/N, go change." She pushed you towards her bathroom in her room. You closed the door behind you and heard some light arguing behind the door. You figured Suna was just messing with his sister.

She gave you a tutu with a green shirt along with some fairy wings. At least it wasn't anything bad, you tucked the shirt in the skirt and put on the wings. To fit the character of what you assumed she chose, Tinker bell, you put your hair in a bun.

You walked out and were greeted with compliments from sunas sister. "You look so good Y/N! You're very pretty." She smiled widely.

"What do you think?" You did a little twirl for your boyfriend.

"You look like tinker bell." He says. "But you look good." He sighed contently with a small smile tugging his lips.

"Your turn Rintarou! Go!" She grabbed him by the hand and pushed him into the bathroom with a black and white clothing in his hand.

"I don't wanna wear this!" He yelled from inside the bathroom.

"Do it!" She begged.

"It can't be that bad, Rin." You tried to ease the situation. He unlocked the door, the dress was a bit tight on him. You tried to choke back your laughs but ultimately failed.

"Yeah yeah, this is the last time you'll see me in this" He crossed his around in front of his chest, you all heard a tearing sound.

Sunas sister gasped, "You tore my dress!" She yelled.

"What'd you expect?! This is way too small for me."He argued. You managed to capture a few pictures before he took it off.

A k a a s h i  K e i j i:

"Would you wear this for me?" You flipped your phone so Akaashi could see what was on the screen. Never in a million years did he expect to see a maid dress.

"Um, no." He politely said.

"Why not." You frowned. "Please?" You nudged him.

He shook his head, explaining that he didn't want to embarrass himself. You assured him that it'd be ok, however he needed to really think about this.

Not a week passed by without you mentioning the maid dress to him, he even watched some tiktoks of other couples wearing them, both girls and boys.

He stood by his answer, pushing it off to the side hoping that you'd forget about it. It's been about 4 months and you were still pestering him about it.

Finally, he grabbed his phone and bought one at 3 am, 'no going back now' he told himself. He bought it at such a late hour because he knew he wouldn't be able to in the right state of mind.

The two of you were at his house hanging out, the doorbell rang and there was a box waiting for him. He took a deep breath as he began to change, you on the other hand were expecting to see him in a hoodie or maybe even a new pair of jeans.

Once he stepped out wearing the dress he fiddled with his fingers, looking at you nervously.

"Baby! You look so cute!" You cooed and began to shower him with compliments. His nerves washed away and a blush took over.

He's glad he made the impulse decision to buy it late at night, he loved seeing your happy expression.

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