Bruises | N. Yuu

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Warnings: Swearing, talks of overworking, bruises, slight Haikyuu spoilers??⚠️

After finishing up with your club, you finished cleaning up and slung your bag over your shoulder, heading towards the gym where you knew your boyfriend was at.

You knew he began to stay later to get some reps in, you practically had to bribe him to stop and come home.

Luckily today being Friday, the two of you were able to spend the weekend together; you'd planned for him to come and stay the night since your parents weren't home for the weekend.

You pulled the gym doors open and to no surprise, he was there with Hinata, Kageyama, and Tanaka. Hinata and Kageyama were working on their attacks, while Tanaka blocked them, Noya worked on his coverage when the ball gets blocked.

"Last one, I swear!" Noya yells getting back into position.

"It will be! I don't have as much energy as these two." Tanaka motions to the duo.

Hinata hit straight into the block making Noya dive for the ball, he managed to get it up decently high. There was a pause before he got up, you knew he was hurting.


The four turned to see you at the door, visibly upset.

"Oh hey, baby!" Noya plastered a smile on his face and hid his arms behind his back to hide the bruises already forming.

"Hey, Y/N." The other three greeted nervously.

"Show me your arms." You demand.

"W-why?! Nothings wrong I swear! We were just practicing-"

"Don't." You held up a hand, making him gulp and glance at the three nervously, before taking his arms form behind his back, showing the dark bruises forming on his forearms.

"Oh! Look at that, I'm late for my- uh hair appointment!" Tanaka yells nervously and begins to gather his things quickly.

"Yeah- uh I've got to..." Hinata snaps his fingers as he found an excuse, "Feed my dog!"

"Ok first off, Tanaka you don't have-"

"Shut up! Let's go." Tanaka whisper-yelled and dragged the raven head out the door. "See ya guys!" He says and shuts the door.

"Oh man, she did not look happy." Hinata says to the other two as they ran away.

You made eye contact with Noya as soon as the door shut, raising an eyebrow.

"Cowards.." Noya whispered.

"Care to tell me why you've been hurting yourself playing volleyball? Don't you know your limits?! Look at you, you're obviously hurting!" You began to scold.

Noya began to walk away as you trailed behind him, continuing to ramble about his bruises on his arms and how he can't keep doing this. "You've got to learn to take- hey! I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you!" You say.

"And I'm trying to avoid it!" Noya says back, no signs of harshness behind his words, he was just trying to lighten the mood.

You sighed taking a seat next to him. "Look, I care about you, and I just wish you didn't overwork yourself to the point of injuries." You start.

He sighed as well before answering, "I know, baby. I know, it's just- what happened with Asahi-" He stopped trying to find the right words. "I don't want them to feel like they're alone when hitting, so I've been working on getting the ball up when it's blocked." He explained.

He laid his head in your lap as he began to ramble on about how he was going to get every ball and never let it drop. You ran your fingers through his hair, listening to his ranting, knowing it'd let out some of his frustration.

"I understand, love. Just don't hurt yourself, is all I'm saying." You chuckled. "I can't have an injured boyfriend on my hands."

He laughed and sat back up, clinging himself onto you, muttering sweet things to you- how he loves you and thanking you for caring about it so much.

"Now, let's go home and get you iced up." You say giving him a quick peck on the lips.

He jumped up from his chair and pumped his fists in the air.

"Wow, you never run out of energy do you?" You chuckled.

"I'm just excited to sleep over with my hot girlfriend!" He says and packs his things in his bag, not caring to change out of his sweaty clothes. "Can we watch an action movie tonight?" He asked.

"Sure, baby. Anything you want." You laughed and laced your hand with his, walking back to your house and finally relax.

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