Sleepy | M. Atsumu

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Warnings: Slight time skip spoilers⚠️

Your eyes fluttered open and quickly shut due to the sun shining through the open-curtained window. Easing into the bright light, your gaze turned to the man next to you, he clung onto you as if you'd leave him forever.

His head rested on your chest and arms wrapped around your figure, soft snores emitted from the blonde, his chest rising and falling at a steady rhythm.

You turned to the nightstand and checked the time, normally Atsumu would've been awake up and running for a morning practice, but he had the day off today.

Running your fingers through his bleached hair, earning a satisfied sigh, he nuzzled his face deeper into the crook of your neck, the corners of your mouth turning upwards at his affection.

Suddenly getting the need to use the bathroom, you tried to carefully get out of bed without waking a sleeping 'Tsumu, your many failed attempts to get out of bed ended up stirring him awake.

His sleepy eyes met yours, "Good mornin'." He says with a raspy deep voice.

Once again you tried to get out of bed only to be hugged tighter by the man.

"No 'm not gonna let go, 's too early." He whined.

A small giggle emitted from you, " 'Tsumu I have to use the bathroom." You reasoned.

"No." He pouted and stood his ground of not letting you get up. "Go back to sleep with me." He hums.

"Let me use the bathroom first." You bargained. He shook his head lightly and closed his eyes once again, his steady breathing returning. "Baby, let me go, I promise I'll be back." You shook him gently.

"Let me go with you." He compromised.

"No, stay here, I'll be quick, you won't even notice I'm gone." You sighed. He finally gave in and loosened his death grip, quickly you took the chance to get out of bed and do your business. Making your way back, Atsumu had stayed in the same position as you had left him.

He felt the bed dip slightly on the other end and pulled you in by the waist. "Go back to bed." He murmured.


"No buts." He furrowed his thick brows, "Sleep." He sighs and his eyelids slowly falling shut. Your legs tangled together, listening to each other's breathing was soothing and quickly a wash of sleepiness came upon you.

You allowed yourself to fall asleep once again, not worrying about anything in the world and take advantage of the day the two of you were both off.

Another few hours passed and you'd waken up by the growl of your stomach, Atsumu seemed to feel you awake and his eyes fluttered open. A huge smile plastered on his face. "Good mornin' beautiful."

"It's not morning anymore." You kissed his forehead. "Are you hungry?"

He nods his head, "'Yer so warm.. feels nice." He stretched.

You raised an eyebrow, "Is that why you didn't let me get out of bed."

He agreed, "'nd I didn't wanna sleep alone." He admits.

"You're so cute." You chuckle and got out of bed, slipping on a pair of socks to protect you from the cold hardwood floors.

You both did your morning routines in the early afternoon and headed down the stairs to eat 'breakfast'.

Opting for a lunch takeout; to stay at home and be lazy all day. Watch movies and catching up on shows the two of you started, only to be forgotten due to your busy schedules.

Cozied up on the couch with a huge blanket covering the two of you from the cold, a random movie displayed on the screen occupying a partial amount of your attention.

A kiss from Atsumu fell on your shoulder, "I love ya, Y/N." He says and takes in the scent of your hair.

"I love you too, 'Tsumu." You sigh contently and pressed a memorable kiss to his lips, leaving the two of you breathless. He could definitely get used to this, being lazy with you, having no worry at the moment and just basking in the glory of having a lover.

You could get used to this as well, happy that you're spending quality time together from your busy week. Recharging for the next one that's about to come, wishing the days would go by faster so you could be snuggled up just like this.

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