Date night | O. Tooru

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Warnings: Cursing⚠️

"Why're you so upset today, what's wrong?" You asked your boyfriend as the two of you walked to his house.

It was pretty chilly, the sun setting and the warm breeze was fading into a more chilled one.

"It's the same thing that's been bugging me all week, Y/n." He said more forcefully than he wanted, he immediately regretted his tone. You didn't deserve that, you were just asking him a simple question.

"Ok I understand why you're so irritated, but you don't have to take that out on me. I'm just trying to help." You say calmly.

He sighs. "I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out so rudely." He squeezes your hand. "What I meant to say was, Iwaizumi and I are still arguing and it's really bugging me."

You nodded, 'that's better'. "And I'm sorry you're still having your petty fight with him."

"It wasn't petty to begin with, we were actually arguing about something... I forgot what it even was about, now we're both being petty." Tooru exhales, talking about it is helping a little, but he'd much rather make up with his best friend instead of just talking about it.

"Did he forget?" You asked, kicking a rock in front of you.

"I don't know."

"You won't solve anything by talking to me, I think you should text him." You suggest.

"Me? Text first? Apologize first?" He laughs. "Do you even know me?"

"You always apologize to me first when we argue."

"Yeah, but that's you, I'm even more stubborn with my friends, and technically it's not just my fault." He reasons, or at least he tries to. "Earlier today when we were heading to the gym, he was in front of me and instead of opening the door for the both of us, he shuts it behind him so I have to re-open it."

"And what'd you do back?"

"Ouch, you think I'd do something to get back at him?" He smirks.

"Tooru, we both know of it were in your favor, you'd petition to get him kicked off. You're so petty."

"Damn right I'm pretty." He smiles forward.

"I said petty." You deadpan.

"When he was distracted, I untied his shoes so he'd have to re-tie them." He confesses.

"I knew it." You laugh. "This is so stupid, go make up with him, why're you here with me."

"Because I love you." He dragged out the last word, now leaning his weight on you. You push him off of you, he was too tall for his own good and he was heavy.

"At some point today while I'm over, I want you to text him. This is stupid to be arguing for this long when you both forgot what it's even about." You squeeze his hand. He nods.

"It's our date night, let's not talk about this anymore." He kisses your hand that was linked with his, not wanting to stress you out with his own problems.

You mutter a response back, approaching his door. You waited for him to open the door, he allows you to slip in first, taking off your shoes and placing your bag by the door.

"Well what's for date night?" You excitedly ask, stars practically in your eyes.

"Hold on, baby." He chuckles. "Let me take a quick shower, entertain yourself in my room, we still haven't finished that puzzle from last date night." He led you to his room.

The 1000 piece puzzle sat in a corner of his room, waiting to be finished. The two of you fell asleep before you could finish and it remained there while the two of you were occupied with school and clubs.

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