Comfy | H. Sachiro

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Warnings: Swearing, other than that, fluff⚠️ H/L=hair length

Finally being able to relax from your busy schedule, wearing your most comfiest clothes, favorite show on, and laid out on the couch.

You've spent your day off at ease, not worrying about work, school, nothing. You wish you could say the same for your boyfriend, today he had both school and work to deal with.

Knowing he wouldn't come back until later, most likely exhausted from his long day, you occasionally texted him when he had the free time, saying how he'd much rather be at home cuddling up to you.

You promised him to give him all the cuddles he wants once he gets off work. Finally getting up from the couch for what get like hours, you decided to take a shower until he arrived back to your shared apartment.

Getting your needed toiletry and clothes, you headed off to the shower in your shared bedroom. Stripping down and turning the knob, cold water sprayed out then eventually turned to hot water.

Taking hot showers on cold days were your favorite, the water trickling down your cold body, warming it up in an instant.

Being too engrossed in basking in the hot water, you failed to notice the front door opening and your boyfriend calling your name several times.

He checked the window to make sure your car was still parked in the driveway, which it was. So where were you? He thought. He heard the sound of the shower running and quickly made his way upstairs.

Knowing you left the door unlocked to the bathroom, he let himself in, startling you in the process.

"Shit Sachiro, you scared me!" You yelled over the shower.

He chuckled and began to strip of his clothing as well, "Mind if I join you?" He smiled.

"Why?" You wanted to pester him by acting dumb, so you raised a genuine eyebrow.

"Come on, it'll save the water." He insisted.

"Sachi, the apartment building pays for the water, not us." You chuckle.

"Please? I wanna be with you." His smile drooped.

After 'thinking' long and hard you made room for him to easily slide in next to you. Switching sides in the process so he could have the water run down his back.

He hissed, "Fuck Y/N, why's it so hot?"

You giggled, "Because it's cold! Besides, it's not too hot."

"Yes it is! I'm turning it down" He says and turned around to move the knob closer to the left. After a few minutes of playing around with the knob, finally the two of you compromised and found a good temperature to have.

The two of you stood underneath the water, his arms wrapped tightly around your figure, slightly rocking you side to side. You had asked him how his day was so he was explaining how in class he had to do this project, along with work interfering with his time to finish.

You gave him words of encouragement to help ease his stresses. Reaching for the bottle of shampoo, you pumped a good amount for his thick hair and stood as tall as you could to reach his head.

He hummed in satisfaction, your fingers massaging his scalp. Now it was his turn, he pumped a good amount for your H/L hair.

You leaned back into him, enjoying the feeling of his hands running through your hair. After finishing up, he turned the shower off and the two of you slipped out and began to dry yourselves.

A towel wrapped around your head, along with one over your body. Hirugami simply had one towel around his lower half, water falling down from his neck all the way to his abs.

Getting situated and dressed you both settled onto your shared bed. Him laying on top of you, your hand running through his now wet hair. Basking in a comfortable silence, until he broke it. "Hmm." He hummed, "You're comfy, and now my new pillow."

You chuckled causing him to rise with you while you laughed. "Really Sachi?" You playfully roll your eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too." He mumbled against your skin. Pressing a chaste kiss to your neck then going back to resting his head on your chest.

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