Camp | H. Sachiro

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Warnings: Cursing⚠️

Every year you'd volunteer to be a camp counselor, it was fun to get away for awhile and you came back home with new memories and funny stories to tell.

Hirugami was assigned as your partner for the entire trip as another counselor in your cabin.

"We've got the little ones this year, huh?" He got off the bus and was behind you, helping you get the bags.

"Looks like it. At least they'll fall asleep early." You shrug.

"And then you're stuck with me." He grins.

"You make that sound bad.. should I be worried, Sachiro?" You tease.

He chuckles, "Who knows."

"Great. I'll be stuck with a bunch of 5 year olds, I hope you're easy to entertain." You grabbed the last bag and left him smiling to himself.

"What're you so happy about?" Hoshiumi glares. "You're stuck with the hardest group there is."

"But I'll be with Y/n."

"Oh, I get it now." Hoshiumi hums. "Tell her I'm sorry that she has to deal with you." He laughs.

Hirugami met up with you in the cabin, the little ones would be arriving soon, he walked in on you sweeping the floors.

"Hi, Cinderella."

"Just for that, you can finish this." You handed him the broom.

"Does this make me Prince Charming?" He teases.

"No, far from it actually." You laugh. "More sweeping, less talking."

"Have you gotten our schedule?" He asks, beginning another conversation.


"She's prepared."

"One of us has to be the responsible one." You narrowed your eyes. "You missed a spot, by the way."

"Did I? Where, show me." He insists.

You got off from your bed and pointed to the floor.

"You see all this dust? Yeah, you missed that."

"Show me again?"

"Are you blind?" You joke and get down on your knees, Hirugami sweeps the dust upwards and it makes you cough.

"Oh, I see it now, it's-uh all over here now." He motioned to your face.

"You asshole!" You laugh and take the broom from him, sweeping upward so it'd get on his clothes.

Laughter was shared around the room and it eventually led it Hirugami chasing you around the cabin to get you more dirty.

"What's going on here?" The door swings open.

You stopped running and Hirugami almost trampled you, luckily he caught himself, but he still bumped into you.

"We're cleaning." You breathe.

"You've got a few minutes before your campers arrive, you two better hurry up. Don't make me regret putting you two together." The head counselor makes eye contact with Hirugami at the last sentence before she leaves.

"What was-"

"The bus is almost here, we should get going." He interrupts and lightly pushes you towards the door, hiding his now flushed face behind you.

"We're dirty." You take a look at your clothes.

"It'll wear off." He assures.

"This wouldn't have happened if you just cleaned." You snicker.

Haikyuu x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora