Bug bites | T. Kei

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Warnings: Mentions of blood, cursing⚠️

Tsukishima came up with the grand idea to go star-gazing in his backyard as a date, nothing could go wrong with that.

You brought the snacks while your boyfriend brought the pillows and blankets.

He set a blanket down and two pillows, another blanket went on top of you two, it was actually quite comfortable.

The ground had almost no bumps or holes, so it was nice.

The air was refreshing and cool, there were no clouds so the stars were brighter than ever.

"I could fall asleep." You mumble against him.

"Don't. It's too cold." He rubbed your back. "Wake up." He shook you as he saw you weren't responding.

"Let me rest my eyes, Kei." You sigh comfortably and snuggle impossibly closer to him.

"You've still got flowers in your hair." He clicked his tongue.

"Oh I wonder who put those there." You sit up and push him playfully.

"You're the one who thought they were pretty." He says and starts to take each one off, they had already started to dry from being pulled out.

"Thank you." You smile at him, scratching your head in relief. "You're too cute." You kiss his nose.

He looks away embarrassed, no snarky remarks to defend himself with. You spared him and chose to not make fun of him.

"Lay back down, baby." He mutters the last bit. You obliged and laid down, he followed right after you.

His calm breathing was not helping you, the steady rise and fall from his chest made you too comfortable.

The last thing you remember was closing your eyes for a few seconds and then soft snores left your mouth.

"Told you not to sleep." He kissed your forehead. He decided to stay a bit longer to enjoy you cuddling him.

Though, he too made the mistake in relaxing a bit too much and fell asleep not long after you.

"They've been out there awhile." Kei's mother says.

"It hasn't been that long." Akiteru shrugs. "Kei's smart enough to know the mosquitoes are brutal right now."

Kei's mother raised an eyebrow at his oldest.

"Okay, okay, I'll check on them. Y'know if you wanted that from the start just say so." He laughs.

His mother playfully smacks his shoulder. Akiteru opened the screen door and saw the two of you snuggled up.

A small smile ghosted his lips, seeing his little brother so in love with you.

As he grew closer his mom seemed to be right, the two of you had fallen asleep for who knows how long.

You had to be out there for at least three hours, there's no doubt in his mind that the two of you were being eaten alive.

"Kei." Akiteru chose to wake up his brother to not disturb you.

He slowly stirred awake and looked confused at his brother, he looked at his surroundings, easily piecing together what happened.

"We fell asleep didn't we." Kei grumbles.

"Yeah." Akiteru chuckled. "You better get inside to sleep before you're eaten alive." He suggests and leaves.

Tsukishima took a moment to fully wake up before getting you up.

"Y/n." His voice came out groggily.

You hummed and hugged him tighter.

"Wake up, we're still outside." He pushed away a few stray hairs.

You got up and rubbed your eyes, he was right, the two of you were still outside.

"Let's go." He grabbed your hand and got you up. "We can get the blankets and shit later."

"It's a school night." You mumble sleepily.

"I know, you're spending the night. Don't worry." He says and opened the door to come back inside.

"I warned you." His mother sighs.

"I know mom, we're fine." He waved off and headed upstairs to his room. "Now we can sleep." He hugged you from behind.


"G'night." You sleepily mumble back.

The next day you felt fine so far, the accidental sleep didn't affect you.

You two got ready for school and left his brother and mom.

At school though, Tsukishima was itching his arm a bit, then he moved to his neck, then his leg.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"Are you not itchy from last night?" He says itching every limb.

You shook your head and took a good look at him, his skin was filled with tiny dots, some bigger than others because he had been scratching them.

"Oh no, babe, the mosquitoes really did a number on you." You gasp and run your finger over one.

He immediately scratched where you touched. "Why didn't you get eaten alive?"

You shrugged. "I don't really get bit."

"Lucky you." He glared. "I'm dyin' here."

"I can get you some ice packs for the swelling?" You offered.

"I guess that'd help." He sighed. "We're never stargazing ever again."

You laughed at him. "You're the one who fell asleep!"

"You slept first!"

"Yeah, but I didn't get eaten alive did I?" You tease.

He rolled his eyes and you got up to find an ice pack for him. Most of his bites were on his arms and legs, thankfully none on his face.

"Don't itch so hard! You'll bleed." You scolded.

"What else am I supposed to do?" He tilts his head.

"Not scratch them??"

"That's impossible." He deadpans.

"Just for that I'm keeping this." You joke and pull the ice pack back.

"No, okay I'm sorry, can I have it now please?" He begs.

You couldn't hide your smile so you threw him the ice pack.

Later at practice while he was changing, the dots on his back did not go unnoticed.

"Yo, what's that shit all over you?" Kageyama asks, taking one for the team.

"Nothing." He mumbles.

"He got bit by mosquitoes when he and Y/n fell asleep outside." Yamaguchi explains. Tsukishima glares at him.

"Ouch, that sucks." Daichi laughs. "How's she holding up?"

"Actually she didn't get bit. Not once." He hides his annoyance, but not very well.

The whole room erupts in laughter.

"Man, what luck." Tanaka wipes a fake tear.

Tsukishima was uncomfortable the whole practice. He continuously scratched himself to relieve anything.

Once he got home he sent you a picture of him covered in some homemade remedy his mom made him for the itchiness.

That's the last time you and Tsukishima have gone stargazing, he now is too afraid of falling asleep; getting bit over a hundred times was not worth it.

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