Asleep? | H. Lev

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Warnings: None.

Lev would almost always fall asleep before you. He really didn't mean to, but with practices being tiring, he'd always invite you to sleepover so he could snuggle with you, which almost always led him to falling asleep.

Today was no different for him.

"Y/N!!" He yelled down the hallway, you easily spotted him among all the students leaving their classes for lunch.

"Hey, Lev." You smiled and pulled him in for a hug which he gladly accepted, a small pout on his lips as you pulled away.

"After practice do you wanna sleep over at mine?" He asked lacing the two of your hands together.

"Again?" You teased.

"Please?" He pouts. "I miss you, and I wanna cuddle after practice." He says.

"I was just kidding, of course I wanna sleepover." You say and he grins. "But you better not fall asleep within 5 minutes."

"I'll try my best, baby." He says and kisses your cheek. "Let's eat now."

As the two of you sat down at a table outside, your mind began to wander. You've been dating Lev for 4 months now, and neither of you had said 'I love you.'

It wasn't necessary a bad thing, but you began to think if it was time to say it.

He quickly distracted you from your thoughts. "Do you want a drink from the vending machine? I forgot my water." He says with a goofy grin.

"Just juice, please." You say and he was off.

After lunch ended he walked you to class and said he'd come and pick you up after school, so the two of you could walk to practice.

During class you informed your parents you'd be at Lev's for the night, they both trusted you two and knew you wouldn't do anything stupid.

The bell rang faster than you thought, you packed your things and Lev was already there.

"Hey, baby, I missed you." He stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your neck.

"We weren't away for that long." You laughed and kissed his cheek.

"I know." He dragged out. "Now you get to watch me play, I've gotten better at receives! I'll show you." His smile was so contagious, you couldn't help but feel all warm inside.

"I bet you did, baby" You cooed. The walk to the gym wasn't very far from the hallway you were in.

He dropped you off in the gym while he went to change.

"You know, you might as well become a manager since you're here so often." Kuroo chuckles as he approached you.

"You already do most of the manager things." Yaku added.

"Maybe." You pondered. "I also have my own club too." You laughed.

"Yeah yeah, but they don't need you as much as we do." Kuroo says.

Before you were able to reply practice had began and Lev was already warming up. He indeed has improved on his passing, but right after he got a good one, a ball shanked off his arms.

Every once in awhile he'd look at you to see if you were watching, you gave him a smile each time he looked, making the tips of his ears red.

You got distracted by your phone and he wrapped you in a sweaty hug.

"Gross, Lev." You giggled.

"Let me change and then we can leave." He was obviously tired since he wasn't as loud as before.

Roughy 10 minutes had passed and he finally came back, you were waiting outside of the club room. You assumed he took a shower in there because his hair was wet.

"Ready?" He weakly smiled. You nodded and held his hand.

"Are you ok?" You asked him.

"Yeah. Just tired from practice, they really worked me out today." He laughs.

You nodded, "I was a little worried."

"But it'll get me better! And that's what matters." He smiles fully. His house came into view and he unlocked the door, it wasn't very late, probably around 7-8ish.

You noticed he wanted to go straight to his room, but you stopped him. "Go eat something or else you'll regret it in the night." You warned.

He agreed and you followed him to the kitchen, Alisa was there on her phone.

"Oh, hi Y/N!" She cheerfully says.

"Hey, Alisa. How're you?"

"I'm great, and you?"

The two of you helped casual conversation while Lev ate, you had already eaten during their practice so you weren't really hungry.

Lev smiled to himself, he liked seeing how much you and his sister get along. It meant a lot to him.

After awhile, she went on upstairs to go to bed. Lev and you stayed in the kitchen just talking, until he began to yawn more frequently.

"Let's head to bed, I can see you're very tired." You ran your fingers through his hair, he sighed contently.

He nodded in agreement and the two of you headed to his room. You were getting quite tired as well, he lent you a shirt to sleep in, since you already had shorts on underneath your skirt, you just wore those.

After getting all settled in, he laid on top of you, his face nuzzling into your neck.

You figured he was already passed out, seeing his breathing was steady.

Before you allowed yourself to fall asleep, you ran your fingers through his hair a bit more.

"I love you." You softly say, you were sure he was asleep.

But he proved you wrong. "I love you too." He says in your neck, before placing a chaste kiss there.

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