One chance | K. Tetsurou

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Warnings: Drinking, Time-skip, small angst, cursing⚠️

It's not the first time Tsukishima has called you to pick up Tetsurou, anytime they go out to drink—which isn't very often— it ends with you having to pick him up.

You're not really complaining, you'd much rather have him call you then to drive back home drunk. It's just always at the most inconvenient times, like right now when you're getting ready to shower and head to bed.

You should've expected it already, so it's a tad bit of your fault. When you pull up to the bar, Tetsurou is seated obediently just like you told him over the phone with Kei.

You park the car and get out to help him get into the car, he's not a light man.

"Thanks for coming so quickly, Y/n." Tsukishima says, a slight pink tint to his face, you're sure he had a few drinks as well.

"No problem. Any of you need a ride back?" You ask politely, sometimes Bokuto forgets to call his girlfriend and you end up taking him home wasted, offering apologies to the poor girl.

"Nah, we're all good. Tetsurou—" Kei slurs a little, "Your girlfriend is here." He pulls him out of his trance, Tetsurou's eyes soften and gleam when he sees you.

"Y/n!" He beams.

"Oh—we're not dating." You clarify to Kei who gives you a confused look.

"But he said you're dating." Bokuto points to his friend who tells him to shut up, Kuroo's face now more red than pink.

"Let's get you home, yeah?" You take his arm and pull him up, he's putting all of his weight on you now. "Kuroo, lighten up a bit, you're heavy."

"Are 'ya callin' me fat?" Tetsurou narrows his eyes at you. "That's it, we're not dating anymore."

"We weren't dating in the first place." You sigh. Still carrying him on your back basically. He ignored you and swayed the two of you side to side since he wasn't able to walk very straight.

You finally managed to get to the car in one piece, Tetsurou looks at the interior of your car, searching for a water bottle which he immediately finds in the cup holder, he takes a long sip. You don't even have to tell him to drink up. You round the car and make it to the drivers seat.

From the corner of your eye you can fee Tetsurous's eyes on you, after a little you face him, wondering if he'd say something instead of just looking at you.

His eyes scan you head to toe, "Who let you look so cute today?" He smiles uncontrollably.

You frown and look down at what you're wearing, a pair of athletic shorts and a random t-shirt, your hair disheveled and no makeup on.

"'M so glad you're my girlfriend." He slurs and takes another swig of his water, topping it off with an obnoxiously loud 'ah' once he finishes.

"We're not dating, Kuroo." You say, getting ready to put the car in drive. "Plus you're just drunk."

"Why aren't we dating?" His smile never leaving his face as he continues to dote on you, he swears you're the most beautiful girl he's ever laid eyes on.

"Because we're friends."

'Ouch'. Kuroo thinks, his scowl becoming more prominent. "I've told you a million times I've liked you."

"You're drunk." You deny, beginning to drive. While you're entering the main road you turn the volume up on the radio to hopefully end the conversation. Tetsurou isn't amused even in the slightest, he turns it back down as soon as your hands leave the stereo.

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