Baby pictures | I. Hajime

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Warnings: Iwa as a chunky baby, mentions of kids in the future⚠️

Iwaizumi had a few pictures in his room, most were of you and him on dates and the rest were of his family.

Though, come to think of it, you've never actually seen his baby pictures, you'd shown him plenty of you, but the closest you had ever gotten was when he was 5 and above.

It didn't really hit you until now because right in front of you was a baby picture.

He had to be at least a couple months old, this was definitely the youngest picture of him that you've seen.

You picked up the framed picture, his mom was holding him with his dads arm around her, he was sleeping, but the biggest thing you noticed was that he was a really cute baby.

A smile spread on your face immediately and Iwaizumi took notice of this when he closed the door behind him.

"What are you smiling about?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You were such a cute baby! Hajime why haven't I ever seen this?" You showed him the picture.

A blush creeped up his neck.

"Where'd you find that?" He snatched it from your hands, a frown quickly replaced your smile from before.

"Hey! I wasn't finished admiring your cute face." You pout.

"My mom must've left it in here." He furrows his brows.

"You didn't answer me." You say, he quirks a brown for you to repeat it. "Why haven't I ever seen your baby pictures? You're so cute."

"I look so chubby in this!" He turns it downward on the table.

"No you don't." You protest. "You're so cute, look at your cheeks." You giggle and lift it back up.

He grumbles and flops on the bed.

"I would've never thought you were a chubby baby." You ruffle his hair. "You look so cute, Hajime!" You continue to stare at it.

"The guys always made fun of me for it, so I just never show anyone my baby pictures." He sighs.

"They're just jealous because you're cuter than them, baby." You placed the photo down. "I wanna see all your pictures now."

"No." He groans. "We're supposed to be watching our show." He grabs the remote.

"Please? I think you're adorable, and I've showed you mine." You egg him on.

"You're lucky I love you, brat." He agreed and took your hand to follow him.

He led you to the couch and told you to give him a minute.

This wasn't the first time you've been in his house, but your eyes always wandered to the pictures on the walls.

All of them were of him as a toddler and above, now you got why he hid all his pictures, but he really looks so cute.

You're glad his mother left the picture on his nightstand the same night you were sleeping over.

Iwaizumi came back with an album in hand.

"These are most of them, I could only find one book." He says as he takes a seat next to you.

"Thank you, Hajime." You pecked his lips, you caught him a bit off guard so a prominent blush was on his face.

He brought you close with an arm around you as you browsed the many pictures of him.

His face heated up whenever you'd comment on how adorable he was for the millionth time. He's glad you weren't like his friends who teased him.

"Has Tooru seen these?" You asked.

He nods. "Most of the team has because he took pictures of them and showed them."

"So you showed them first before me? I feel betrayed." You placed a hand over your heart.

"No, no." He chuckled. "He begged my mom to show him."

"I should've done that." You mutter and look back at the photo album.

"She'd show you the worst of the worst." He shivers. "Don't get any ideas." He nudges you.

On cue his mother came home from work and saw the two of you on the couch.

You greeted her politely and she walked closer.

"What're you two up to?" She asked.

"Can you believe this is the first time I'm looking at Hajime's baby pictures? He's so cute and chunky." You smile.

"Oh! You're looking at his pictures? Wasn't he adorable." She laughs. "Stay put, let me find some more."

"Mom, please no." Iwaizumi begged.

"No! I wanna see them, you've seen my bad ones so it's only fair." You say.

"Mom no bad ones, please. I'm already embarrassed." He hides his face in his hands.

"No promises!" She yells from upstairs.

"Don't be embarrassed, babe." You cling onto his arm.

He groans in response. "You were actually a cute baby, I was just chunky."

"And you're adorable." You pinch his cheek. "I think we'd make cute babies one day."

"Y-you want kids with me?" He gulps, his face heating up.

"Of course I do, I mean if you want-"

"I do! Really I do, you caught me a little off guard there." He chuckled and hid his face in the crook of your neck.

You hum and his mother came back with tons of photo albums. Iwaizumi was going to have a long night.

"Why'd you bring this many?" He groans.

"Because you've never shown Y/n your baby pictures, I want her to see all of them now." She smiles innocently.

You dove into another book, nostalgia came over Iwaizumi in some of his childhood photos.

You even saw a few of Oikawa in there when they were kids. A volleyball in hand, that seemed like him alright.

Many pictures were of Iwaizumi catching bugs with his dad, his mother commented saying that during the summer they'd be out all night.

She even got a few scares because Iwaizumi liked to hold them inside, she's had her fair share of bugs flying to her.

His mother was happy that his son found someone who makes him this happy. He'd rather be caught dead than have someone openly look at his pictures.

Showing how much he loves you, the trust he has for you to be vulnerable.

She couldn't help but take a few pictures of the two of you looking happily on the couch, maybe when your own children grow older she could show them this precious moment.

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