Friends? | T. Kei

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Warnings: Angst?-fluff, swearing ⚠️

"Good morning, Tsukki!" You cheerfully say to the middle blocker.

He sighs and mumbled a 'morning' then went back to putting his headphones on.

"Morning Yamaguchi." You smiled and took your seat at your desk.

"Morning!" He matched your energy. You were seated right next to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi behind the blonde. Not wanting to bother Tsukishima when he's listening to music, you patiently waited for class to begin.

For the last bit of class you were all handed a piece of paper with equations on it, expected to be finished and turned in by the end of class.

Out of all subjects of course it had to be over the one you hated, math. Normally you wouldn't struggle much with it and sometimes found it fairly easy, but it was just so boring and draining.

It obviously didn't help that you weren't understanding the material, you glanced at the clock, only 30 minutes left of class. Time seemed to be against you and in the midst of trying to solve a problem, 10 minutes had gone by.

You began to panic a bit since the sensei you had was very strict and expected everyone to turn in their worksheet finished.

"Tsukki?" You whispered. "Tsukki?" You repeated. He was ignoring you, continuing to punch in random numbers on his calculator. Getting fed up you poked his arm and he finally turned to face you. "Can you help me? I don't understand number 4."

"You're only on 4? There's 10 questions and they're easy." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut up Tsukki, help me!" You pleaded.

"Don't call me that." He clicked his tongue and went back to working on his last problems. You sighed and turned back to your paper.

"Please Tsukki, just help me on 4, I'll figure out the rest." You bargained.

Yet he still went on acting as if he didn't hear you. You ran a frustrated and through your hair and began to attempt to figure out the rest of the problems.

You felt a tap on your shoulder, expecting it to be Tsukishima, only to be wrong and his best friend extending an arm towards you with a paper in between his fingers.

"Thank you Yamaguchi, I only need 4." You smiled and read his paper, figuring out what you were doing wrong.

"No problem Y/N, I already finished so you can look over it until the end of class." He says and sat back in his seat.

"See Tsukki, it's not hard to help a friend out." You say and jotted down the answer you needed.

"Since when have we ever been friends?" He bluntly says. You freeze on the spot for a few seconds, then regained yourself and opted for rolling your eyes and let out a fake chuckle at his rude statement.

You handed back the paper to Yamaguchi and thanked him once again. Turning back the time and replaying what he had said, it really hurt you.

Did he not see you as a friend? After all the things you did for him and this is how he acts? You felt an imaginary arrow shoot through your heart, you knew he said snarky remarks often, but none of the ones he's ever said to you was this painful.

The last bell rang and students began to shuffle and leave the classroom. Normally you'd walk with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, but after what he said you just wanted to be left alone for a little.

Gathering your things and headed straight for the door, leaving a confused Yamaguchi. You'd always walked with them to the gym and then retreated back home, so why weren't you doing that? He asked himself.

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