Quiet love | S. Kiyoomi

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Warnings: Time-skip spoilers⚠️

Sakusa has never been one to show affection often, he just felt awkward and out of place most of the time.

He found it gross when he'd see couples kissing and hugging in public, showing off how happy they are.

His view on love and affection quickly changed once he found himself in love, deep love.

He's had one or two girlfriends before, back in high school, but after the end of his second year his last girlfriend felt unloved and left him.

To his surprise he wasn't all that upset, she was very clingy and took away from his much needed practice time, but neither one of his exes were left on bad terms, he made sure of that.

So once he graduated he had met you at a local cafe, things felt different this time, it felt cliche, the moment you walked in his eyes were set on you and everything else in the world paused.

He did not have the guts to go and talk with you, he was so grateful for the mask covering up his rosy cheeks.

But once your drink was called he had mistaken it for his and the two of you brushed hands as you went for the cup.

You immediately apologized for going in his bubble and accidentally touching his hand, you figured because of the mask he was more cautious of his well being.

He honestly didn't care that you touched him, he was so mesmerized with you.

You ended up exchanging numbers and eventually ended up dating.

He was quite nervous to start a relationship with you, fearing that he'd have no time to see you and you'd leave like the others.

After a long discussion one night, his insecurities faded away for the time being. He felt like he was in a secure, healthy relationship.

Even going out as far as doing what other sappy couples did in public, his younger self would've gagged at his actions.

But he still wasn't sure if it was enough for you, the small pecks and hand holding in public seemed like the bare minimum and he felt like you deserved more.

The way he found out his love language was pretty dumb in his opinion. You had been on facetime with a friend and he overheard your love language and ended up taking a quiz to find out his.

He found out that his were quality time and acts of service. Physical touch was not one of them unsurprisingly, but he had no problem doing that with you considering it was what you liked.

His practices with the MSBY took up a lot of his time, he warned you in advance, but you assured him that as long as your communication was strong, the two of you would be fine.

You both mutually agreed to having at least 2-3 dates a month, more if you both had time.

He'd always go grocery shopping with you, quality time was one of his love languages.

"We need to go grocery shopping, love." Sakusa called out from the kitchen.

You sat on the island chair, typing away an essay that was due for school. You looked up at him momentarily before answering.

"I'm almost finished with this, so if you wanted to go now we can, Omi."

He peered over your shoulder and planted a kiss on your cheek, muttering an 'ok' before getting ready.

Right when the two of you entered the store, he grabbed a cart and began pushing it for you so it'd be easy for you to get the things needed.

As you walked down the aisles, glancing from the list on your phone to what was in front of you, you spotted the spices that you needed.

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